One Word for 2017

Attentive is my Word for 2017

Instead of a New Year resolution, I have found it beneficial to choose a word to focus on. It is a spiritual practice for me.

Attentive is my word for 2017. The dictionary gives this meaning: heedful, observant, paying attention. The events taking place in the world can be fearful. I want to keep my eyes on the Lord.

I have been musing on the way that Mary,  Simeon  and  Anna were      attentive to God’s word and the events taking place around them  ( as described in the first two chapters of the gospel of Luke). Mary praised God with faith when the angel told her that she would bear a son.     Simeon and Anna were there when Jesus was presented at the temple in Jerusalem for consecration. Simeon was watching and waiting for the promise of a Savior and praised God for the salvation that would come through Jesus. Anna gave thanks to God.

I am encouraged by the faith and hope Mary, Simeon and Anna displayed. They did not doubt the sovereignty of God! The words of the Psalms were real to them.

My heart is steadfast, O God: I will sing and make music with all my soul.

Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn.

I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the people.

For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.     Psalm 108: 1-5

There are three ways that I can actively be attentive.

    1. Study God’s word. I am delighted that one of the gifts we received for Christmas is a devotional that will take us through the Psalms, The Songs of Jesus by Timothy Keller.
    2. Spend time in prayer. I do pray, but I can increase the time  praying and listening.
    3. Seek the Lord in loving others. We live in a divisive culture and I need the Lord’s direction in showing His love.

May God guide you through 2017. Thanks for visiting!

Sharing this post with Grace & TruthThought Provoking ThursdayChristian Blogger,  Word of God Speak and Glimpses of his Beauty

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

16 Comments on “Attentive is my Word for 2017

  1. What a great word, Carol. I think our words could be cousins…mine is “seek.” I’m certainly purposing to be attentive as I lean into God and seek His purpose and plans over my own. Thank you for sharing your word!

  2. I so appreciate your view of choosing a word as a spiritual practice. I was inspired lately to make that a focus in all I do..viewall I do as a dedication to God.

    The examples of Mary, Simeon and Anna blessed me, additionally. Their lives have long been an inspiration to me the way they attended to their pursuit of God, of serving Him, of waiting for Him, of loving Him to their last ounce.

    We all need to attend to God more. Great word!

  3. I love that word, and how you came up with application steps for living it out. Congratulations on being featured in this week’s Grace and Truth Link Up. I’m so glad you were!

  4. Study, pray, listen, and love! Simple, yet profound. I love that. May God bless you as you grow in your one word this year.

  5. I have also chosen a word for each year over the last few years. I find that it helps keep me focused and my priorities in the right place. Attentiveness is definitely a good one!

  6. I love your WORD you chose for 2017. I too like to focus on ONE WORD throughout the year…it helps me stay on track. I found your blog through the Christian blogger community link-up. Many blessings as you walk attentively with the Lord this year!

  7. This is a great word for the year. It’s so important to be intentional about being attentive to God- reading his Word and praying and being open to how he wants to use us to love others. Hope you have a wonderful 2017!

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