In so many ways life is not normal now. High school seniors are graduating without ceremony . . . the elderly are isolated in nursing homes without visitors . . . completely unexpected job loss . . . health care workers are furloughed.
Currently I am reading the biography of John Adams by David McCullough. The book is giving me a picture of what life was like leading up to and during the American Revolution. There was disruption, suffering and many challenges. Yet, Abigail and John Adams persevered.
The little book of Nehemiah in the Bible describes the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. The people were challenged and threatened. They guarded the wall by night and labored during the day. Nehemiah kept his focus on the grace, mercy and faithfulness of God. He set an example for the people and provided leadership. In the midst of difficulty there was thanksgiving.
We have great examples of faith to encourage us. God’s word and prayer are resources for us.
The LORD is good,
a stronghold in the day of trouble;
he knows those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7

The joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10b
Every Friday Kate Motaung gives a writing prompt. Today’s prompt is: NORMAL. Linking this post with Five Minute Friday and Heart Encouragement.
Thankyou for this. It all reads so true!
Your FMF neighbour🌻
A wall around King David’s city;
get to work, you lazy fools!
Though this may not look so pretty,
for we don’t have the proper tools,
we’re gonna build it tall and strong,
and as we work we’re goona praise
God (so it won’t take too long),
and get it done in fifty days.
OK, mate, you got me there;
guess we over shot by two,
but two-and-fifty’s pretty fair
considering what we had to do.
Now that we have got this done,
let’s have a hoedown, and some fun!
I think the grads, etc, are the saddest part of this whole C19 mess.
Thank you mom for the encouragement. You are an inspiration for us the younger ones. Your FMF neighbor