Occasionally weeds will grow in the crack in the patio cement. I was surprised one day to see the stem and leaves that I recognized as a zinnia growing in the crack. Would it flourish?
A couple weeks later my husband came in from mowing the lawn and said, “There’s a flower growing in the crack in our cement.”

Sure enough, the zinnia had a bud that was opening. I don’t know how the seed landed in that spot, but it had found soil and took root. Now the plant has a large bloom and another bud. The zinnia is flourishing.
The Bible mentions bearing fruit throughout the Old and New Testament. God’s plan is for us to grow and flourish in faith, to bear fruit. In the parable of the sower, Jesus compares our hearts and minds to soil.
As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience. Luke 8:15
It is important that God’s word takes root in our life. There is great benefit in studying the Bible.
Sharing this post with the Five Minute Friday writing community. Each week Kate gives a prompt. Today’s prompt: ROOT
I’m always amazed by the plants I see growing in the cracks.
I am a flower growing
in a sidewalk crack,
hoping, but not knowing
for the care I lack.
Busy people walk on by,
and they look down and see
my arms a-reaching for the sky,
but can they please help me
with a bit of shady space,
and some water, too?
Give me just a little grace,
and I’ll have a smile for you.
The small things that you choose to give
will help me bloom, and let me live.
There are other zinnia plats in my yard–growing in large pots. The amazing thing is that the one growing in the crack is the most robust!