Family - Health - Vaccines

Why does the U.S. Give More Vaccines than Other Nations?


The topic of vaccines is controversial. I have read through some of the research and followed the issue.  My daughter had varying degrees of   reaction to the vaccines she received as a child, and after one final     vaccine developed fibromyalgia.   From my perspective, there is good   reason to question the number of vaccines that we are giving children and the timing of essential vaccines.

Attempts have been made to block a documentary on the subject.  This film, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe is going to be shown in Chicago at the Century Centre Cinema, May 27 to June 2. My husband and I will go to see it the first day. (stay tuned for my review)

In the past fifteen years the CDC has continued to add vaccines to the childhood schedule. It seems that the goal is to replace the child’s immune system with a growing list of pharmaceutical agents.

It is worth noting that the United States is 26th among nations for infant mortality rate. Japan and Finland are at the top of the list with a rate of 2.3 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. In the United States the rate is 6.1 deaths per 1,000 live births.

Japan and Finland must be doing some things right in their health care system. It is interesting that both countries give fewer vaccines than the United States. In the first two years of life Japan gives a total of 9 injections. In the states the CDC has 20 injections on the schedule for the first two years of life. Finland gives fewer vaccines as well.

So which vaccines are left out? Neither Japan nor Finland gives  the     hepatitis B vaccine to infants. In the U.S. the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine is given 24 hours after birth.

Japan and Finland do NOT give the chicken pox vaccine routinely. In Japan the chicken pox vaccine, mumps vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine and flu vaccine are voluntary. In addition Japan gives the measles vaccine alone—not in the combined MMR.

My personal experience as a mom has led me to question both the MMR and the hepatitis B vaccine. I wrote about the decline in my twin’s health following the MMR vaccine.  If I had it to do over I would have at least    delayed the MMR vaccine.  No, I would have refused it.  This vaccine is  developed from aborted fetal cells.

It is reasonable to expect our government to take an interest in the wellbeing of children. The movie trailer for VAXXED points to destruction of data and possible corruption in the CDC. This needs to be investigated.

What can we do to insure vaccine safety? It doesn’t make sense to go down a path of more and more vaccines without carefully checking out claims of corruption. Sometimes we feel powerless against the status quo, but we can contact our congressman in the House of Representatives to press for an investigation. A phone call, letter or e-mail has an impact. What is more important than the health of children?

Update: VAXXED is being shown in Washington D.C. 5/25 – 26. Urge your congressman to attend!


Linking with Whole Hearted Wednesday,  Titus 2 Tuesday and  Tuesdays with a Twist

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

2 Comments on “Why does the U.S. Give More Vaccines than Other Nations?

  1. Thank you Carol! I love all of your posts, thank you for being open and honest and helping spread the truth about vaccines and safety and being truly informed. You are such a blessing! I find it so sad (and disturbing) that so many follow the fear and propaganda, and then turn on those who are trying to do real research for their families. I’m so encouraged and really appreciate how you are working to inform and educate on the topic. Thank you!

    1. Sarah, thank-you for your kind comment. We share health concerns for children. Your girls are blessed to have you!

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