John F. Kennedy once said, "Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."
The Choice
Years ago, a young woman, a friend of my daughter, became pregnant out of wedlock. It was a tumultuous time in her life. With the support of friends she chose life, and we had a shower for her at our home. This woman’s daughter is now a teenager. Another unmarried…
Loving the Children
Over the years I have become increasingly concerned about the health of children. My son, a close friend’s daughter and my college room-mate’s grandson were all diagnosed with leukemia. Cancer has gradually increased in children. Chronic illness in children has increased dramatically since the 1980s. An article in the Journal of…
A Child’s Song
We have a new granddaughter. When we visited our son’s family, we brought gifts for the baby and her big brother. We also gave our grandson a few of the cars and trucks that had once belonged to his father. One truck had the McDonald’s insignia on the side of…
Women and Children
Through the years that I have worked in maternity care I have supported the health of mothers and babies. I am saddened by the view of sexuality in our culture and its effect on the family. Change has come slowly and insidiously. Our human nature can guide us to trust…
If We Learn Nothing
Last night we attended our granddaughter’s graduation from high school. Each speaker mentioned the pandemic because these students spent their freshman year at home. Their classes were online. But they persevered and are now celebrated for their achievement. I am proud of my granddaughter’s hard work! My thoughts returned to…
After 50 Years
In 1973 I was in my first year of practice as a registered nurse. I was working on a labor/delivery unit in a city hospital. I was shocked when an abortion by saline induction was done on our unit. Why, on a unit devoted to new life, was a baby…
Vaccine Research and Abortion
In 2015 I wrote about vaccines developed from developing babies that were aborted. This type of research has been going on for as long as abortion was legal, as I learned. I came across a link to a Finnish research article that detailed experimentation with live fetuses during abortions. This research…
Seasons and Thyme
When it snowed on Wednesday, I realized that the mild fall weather was turning towards winter. Thankfully I had brought my potted herbs indoors prior to the snow. It is a blessing to have fresh herbs year around. I have a sunny bay window that is the perfect spot for…
Calendula: A Flower and a Herb
Last week it was a treat to see trees in many shades of color in Upper Michigan. I was also delighted to see some flowers still in bloom—roses and calendula. Calendula is sunshine bright It is also a useful herb. The dried petals of the flower have been called poor…