• Faith - Family - Nature - Vaccines

    If We Learn Nothing

    Last night we attended our granddaughter’s graduation from high school. Each speaker mentioned the pandemic because these students spent their freshman year at home. Their classes were online. But they persevered and are now celebrated for their achievement. I am proud of my granddaughter’s hard work! My thoughts returned to…

  • Abortion - Health - Women

    After 50 Years

    In 1973 I was in my first year of practice as a registered nurse. I was working on a labor/delivery unit in a city hospital. I was shocked when an abortion by saline induction was done on our unit. Why, on a unit devoted to new life, was a baby…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Decisions Parents Make

    There have been many changes in our culture since my children were little. As the calendar is about to flip to August, school is just around the corner for the grandchildren. My adult children face more difficult decisions than I did. One daughter will have three children in the public…

  • Faith - Health - Prayer

    A Healing Event

    For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17a Jesus healed many people during his ministry on earth. In the eighth chapter of Matthew the healing of a leper, the Centurion’s son, Peter’s mother-in-law and two demon possessed men are recorded.…