A Child Spoke Truth

Our Common Condition & Hope

Today I am joining Five Minute Friday (#FMF) where bloggers write for five minutes about one word. The prompt for today is common. So here we go.

After a tumultuous and divisive election what do we as people have in common?

The Bible shows us these truths.

God loves us.

For God so loved the world that he have his only begotten Son. John 3:16

We have all sinned.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

We are all offered salvation.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31

We have hope through the completed work of Jesus.

Through his grace and mercy we can live a life of love and purpose.

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Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She recently retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

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