Whew, the election is over. The mood in our country has been intense. For the first time I went door to door, passing out flyers, in support of my state representative. Now there is time to pause and reflect. People have many different burdens and concerns. Many are hurting. We…
Our Common Condition & Hope
Today I am joining Five Minute Friday (#FMF) where bloggers write for five minutes about one word. The prompt for today is common. So here we go. After a tumultuous and divisive election what do we as people have in common? The Bible shows us these truths. God loves us.…
After the Election: Prayer & Love
It is good to be studying God’s word during this season (and always). I am reminded that the problems we face as a nation are not new. We are sinful people seeking our own ends and solutions. The apostle Paul had his moment of awakening. The Jewish law could not…
The Lack of Respect for Women
Words. Ugly references to women. It is hard to listen to the political mud slinging. Trump’s words revealed on a recording were vulgar and cannot be condoned. These words have opened wounds that many women carry. Our culture is saturated in sex. I wonder if we are ready to assess…