Slow to Speak

Watching Our Words

It’s Friday and I am joining the community hosted by Kate Motaung. For five minutes we write fast and free. The prompt is: SLOW

We are so blessed. God is patient with us.

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalm 103:8

At a time when emotions are running high in our country,  I can  gain   wisdom from the Lord. I can always learn more patience.

The book of James offers this instruction.

Know this my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1: 19-20

I am reminded of the word that I chose for this year, attentive.

In my conversations I can be more attentive, listening and taking in the point of view of others before I respond.

Quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.

Social media is a challenge. Can we be attentive and slow to anger on Facebook?

Find inspiration at Five Minute Friday by clicking here.

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

3 Comments on “Watching Our Words

  1. I like your word attentive. I don’t think I can be attentive on Facebook and slow to anger or simply attentive on Facebook. It is a time suck and now the time is often filled with unfollowing people I love but can’t read their anger any more. I stick around to pray and share anything I feel is light or uplifting.

    Nice visiting here from FMF.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Kelly. Yes, Facebook can be a time suck. I do like to follow–get updates–from some organizations like Women Speak for Themselves and Joel Rosenberg’s updates on Israel. Have a good week!

  2. Attentive is an amazing word! I love your call to kindness and love on social media. Keep pushing that message, friend. Thanks for sharing in the Five Minute Friday fun. (hugs) -Christina

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