
Job’s Prayer is Acceptable

My Bible Lesson for this week focuses on the attributes of God. Scripture references in the book of Job point to God’s omniscience and omnipotence. This book reveals some deep truths.

The book of Job gives clues to the scientific nature of our world. It also shows a relationship between God and man.

After Job loses his children, his home, his cattle and his health, he lays his situation before God.  As he suffers, he poses questions to God.  AND God answers him.

In the last chapter of the book Job acknowledges God’s omnipotence and sovereignty. God honors Job in his struggle for answers. God admonishes the friends who were misguided in their assessment, and He gives Job the opportunity to pray for them.

. . . and the Lord accepted Job’s prayer. Job 42:9

Wow! //

When we are going through difficulties we can tell God our struggle. When my son was battling cancer I stood in the shower crying out to God, telling him my anguish. I developed a deeper prayer life.

God did not answer my requests in the way that I expected, but he answered and my faith grew.

Whatever struggle you may have, you can bring it to the Lord in prayer. He accepts us where we are. God desires us to grow in faith.

This post is linked to Five Minute Friday. Many thanks to Kate Motaung, our gracious leader. Today’s prompt is ACCEPT.  Visit this writing community by clicking here.

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

5 Comments on “Job’s Prayer is Acceptable

  1. It really is hard to imagine that the very God of this universe hears our cries, knows and cares about our deepest hurts and is faithful to meet us where we are. I know this, too, from that very hard place of a mother seeing her son suffer.

    1. Jennifer, we have a deep love for our sons–we don’t always understand God’s ways. I learned so much by praying and journaling. I could pour out my heart to God. I did not always recognize the answers that God was providing until I reviewed the journal–sometimes it was months later. His love for our family, especially my son, was evident. The Psalms are a great help also.

  2. i love Job, and I am grateful to be reminded of this today. Just to stop and think that God listens to those suffering, and who cry out to him in all the mess. God accepted Job’s prayer. love it.

    I am coming to you via Five Min Fri. I usually write on the spirituality of suffering and the messy edges of life at my blog Thorns and GOld. I have a feeling we’d be on the same page in many things… And I’m really sorry to hear about your son’s battle with cancer. I am a mother – and I can only imagine. Much love to you.

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