• Children - Family - Flowers - Nature

    The Flowers of New Mexico

    When troubles swirl around, I find some peace and rest in prayer (alone and with family), in the beauty of nature and in time spent with children. The curiosity and joy that children have is infectious. We have been spending time in New Mexico, visiting our son’s family. Flowers seem…

  • Faith - Family - Finland

    Across the Ocean

    When my grandmother was nineteen years old, she came across the ocean by boat. She made her way to Upper Michigan by train. Two of her brothers had settled there. She left behind her mother, father, sisters and brothers whom she never saw again. She didn’t forget them. She wrote…

  • Uncategorized

    Seeking Steadfast Faith

    On Wednesday mornings I meet with three or four women to study and discuss verses in the book of James. Like so often in the past, we are studying the right book. The message of James is relevant to our current time.  Count it all joy when you meet trials…

  • Family - Health - Parenting

    The Art of Disagreeing

    When my daughter was in grade school, she had a class that involved critical thinking. She was encouraged to think through problems. When controversies occur, we need this kind of skill. As a parent I have tried set an example of working through the issues our family has faced. It…

  • Prayer

    Lessons from History: Esther, Adams & Jefferson

    My days are spent in the garden, in the kitchen and with a book. I begin with Bible study—currently the book of Esther. The drama of King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther, Mordecai and Haman is colorful, frightening and humorous. But I am most struck by the steadfast calm and faith that…

  • Childbirth - Family - Midwifery - Women

    The Changing Ways of Birth

    I was born in Michigan, and so was my mother. My grandmother was born in Finland. My grandmother gave birth to her children at home. My mother gave birth in the hospital during the obstetric practice of twilight sleep and delivery with forceps. I gave birth by cesarean section. As…

  • Faith - Family

    How Do We Overcome Fear?

    Fear can distract us from a life of faith. In my morning Bible study I have been reading about Nehemiah’s leadership in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, the city with a temple for God’s presence. The Jews had enemies that did not want them to rebuild the walls. At first…

  • Faith - Health

    We Need to Pray Now

    My heart aches for our country. This past Tuesday I went to a grocery store at 6:15 am, when the light of sunrise was spreading. It was senior shopping hours. The store opened at 6 am and already many people were there. The tension in the store was palpable. Some…

  • Faith - Health

    A Time for Steadfast Faith

    Currently I am studying the book of Ezra with women of my church. We looked at the reason that God allowed Israel’s captivity in Babylon. One reason was their failure to give the land its Sabbath rest. I read about the Sabbath rest that God commanded his people. I have…