Observing the Robin
Faith - Nature

When I Observe the Robins

One of the things I miss most during the current shutdown is my weekly trips to the local library. I know, I could get e-books, but I prefer the book that I can hold in my hand. I also like to check the library shelves holding new releases.

So, instead I have been going through the books that I have. 

I am blessed to have a little cache of books loaned to me by a good friend. But I also have books that I had bought and placed on my book shelves, planning to read someday. I found the book, The Table Talk of Martin Luther, translated by William Hazlitt and edited by Thomas Kepler.

The book covers a variety of topics in short sections. Each section is a from a conversation of Martin Luther, his perspective. The first topic is God’s Word.

That the Bible is God’s word and book I prove thus: All things have been, and are, in the world, and the manner of their being, are described in the first book of Moses on the creation; even as God made and shaped the world, so does it stand to this day. . . . And ’tis no small miracle how God has preserved and protected this book . . .

Yesterday I was observing a couple of robins and discovered their nest. We have a large bush in front of our house. In the past week I have noticed rustling sounds and the flight of a bird.

Then yesterday two robins flew to a nearby tree. They twittered in a flustered fashion, and I was motivated to investigate. I peered into the thick branches of the bush. In the center of the bush, well hidden, was a nest. 

A little later I discovered that I could see the nest from my dining room window–and a robin settled in the nest.

I thought about the behavior of the robins; the ability to design a nest, nurture new life and protect the young. Have you ever watched a parent robin coaching a young robin as it learns to fly? God’s design is evident in all creatures.

Sharing this post with the Five Minute Friday writing community. Today’s prompt is: PERSPECTIVE I’m also linking with Inspire me Monday and Heart Encouragement .

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

4 Comments on “When I Observe the Robins

  1. I miss the library too. And having access to all those actual books. My preferred reading method. Oh the Robins, and all birds, really do proclaim Go and his design and care. This week discovered we have a nesting bluebird in a birdbox outside our sunroom window, and a wren nest in another box. This weekend I spent time watching both bird couples. And I could feel the cares of the day melting off. Nature is so wonderful.

  2. Sweet words to me! Yes, seeing Robins brings such a renewed feeling that Spring is here. I just saw three male Orioles this morning at my feeder and on the Geraniums. Absolutely beautiful and refreshing! They are on the fly through this migratory area of East Texas. I, too, miss the library. I also like to hold a book. Just cannot help it!! Thanks for blessing me this morning.

  3. I daily watch the canine crew
    with some consternation,
    for the things that they now do
    take advantage of situation.
    My loss of voice is Heaven-sent;
    I can’t speak, or even stammer,
    and wonder where dear Belle just went,
    carrying off my hammer.
    Is she a tool-collector,
    or into DIY?
    And so I choose to follow her,
    and see what I might spy:
    not new bookcase, or a mantle;
    she’s only just chewed off the handle.

    1. Oh, Andrew, it is so sweet to find you here where I am visiting. It has been a while since I have “seen” you. I hold you in my prayers, my friend.

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