Next week our women’s Bible study will begin a study of the gospel of Luke (meeting in my backyard). So I am reading and meditating on the first chapter as Luke relates the unfolding of God’s plan to send Jesus.
The angel Gabriel visits Zechariah to announce that God has heard prayers for a son. Zechariah and Elizabeth are going to have a son that will turn the hearts of the people to God.
Zechariah has been obediently serving the Lord in the temple, but he is astonished by this message. Is God going to do this now? This is beyond my expectations? How will this work out?
God’s ways and his timing are truly beyond our understanding. As we see the chaos in our country fueled by the pandemic, the riots, the fires we may wonder how this will end. God is sovereign and He will fulfill all the promises in scripture. We need to hold fast to our faith.
After Gabriel gives the message to Zechariah, he visits Mary to tell her that she will give birth to Jesus, the promised Savior. Mary wonders how this will all happen, but responds in faith.
May we be like Mary waiting expectantly for God to carry out his plans.
The gospel of Luke will go on to tell about the events in Jesus’ life on earth in a chronological order. I am looking forward to studying each chapter. The events in Luke are covered in the other gospels, but John makes an interesting statement.
Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25

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Amen! Thanks for sharing.
Blessings on you and your upcoming Bible study.
Visiting from #35
I find Luke the easiest gospel to read. God knows us better than we know ourselves. Enjoy your bible study. God bless end #4
The first chapter reminds me that God has a plan and we await His perfect timing. It is a good reminder.
The story of Christ’s birth certainly tells of a lot of people wondering how it could happen. It seemed so impossible to so many, and yet God did His miraculous work – like He always does.
Amie, FMF #12
Yes, Amen!
I love Luke because he begins with the reason he’s writing … to investigate that all the things he had heard really did take place. Being a reporter once upon a time, I find this very encouraging. Blessings on your study! (FMF#19)
OH I love this and so wish I could join you in the backyard Bible study!! Luke is my favorite gospel because of the precious details we get from the life of Jesus. I am starting the book of John with my Bible study group and am already loving the fresh saturation in my Savior’s life.