Faith - Prayer

Global Reset or Global Prayer

Last night I didn’t sleep well. I have grief over the state of our country. We are experiencing limited social interaction, censorship, financial pressures and school closures. I am most concerned when I hear world leaders talking about a Global Reset or a New World Order.

Del Bigtree had a lengthy interview with James Corbett about the relationship between the pandemic and a Global Reset, reviewing the comments of numerous world leaders. The episode on The HighWire is HERE.

It is a confusing and chaotic time, but I firmly believe that we must not be overtaken by fear. I spent time praying this morning and asking the Holy Spirit to intercede where I lacked words.

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

I am praying for the children and the future of our country. I am praying that families will be strengthened. I am praying for revival in the church. And I am praying for election integrity, for fraud to be exposed.

I have been encouraged by a global prayer meeting that has been taking place a couple times each week. It has blessed me to hear Christians in Israel, Africa and South America praying for the United States.

This coming Sunday, 11/22, there will be another prayer meeting at 7:00 pm CST. It is accessible on Facebook. Eric Metaxas has been posting invitations to the prayer on twitter. Click here for a link to the page.

Every Friday Kate gives a one word prompt to the Five Minute Friday writing community. Today’s prompt is: GRIEF

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

12 Comments on “Global Reset or Global Prayer

  1. I also am praying, but need to keep reminding myself that only God sees the whole picture, and that He is in control and working things out according to His perfect plan.
    (Visiting from #30)

  2. I love that verse in 2 Chronicles, I too am praying hard for our country and world. I am praying for a healed country for my children. Most importantly I am praying that my family would be close to God during these times. Visiting from FMF #26

  3. Won’t be no Globat Reset,
    won’t be no New World Order;
    all that talk is gonna get
    stopped right at the border,
    because this great big nation,
    and yes, in ways it’s flawed,
    drew founding inspiration
    from the words of God.
    Yes, some people in high places
    want us to forget that past,
    erasing Rushmore’s noble faces
    with an atavistic blast,
    but even so, they cannot start
    to blow up my country’s heart.

  4. Global prayer what a weapon. I too am in the UK and praying for the US and other countries. I must admit I have to keep reminding myself of God’s will be done and not mine and that God is using everything for his good. God bless Loretta fmf #2

  5. very true, we mustn’t let fear rule us! but neither must frustration, anger, disappointment etc… too many people are being ruled by the negative emotions lately it seems. good job pointing people to pray. Best thing we can do. visiting from FMF19.

  6. Carol, I have been praying fervently for our country, our president, and our leaders. I pray that God will continue to reign in America and that all evil will be revealed. Thank you for praying as well. xo #7

  7. Hi Carol, I’m your neighbour on Five Minute Friday. Great post. In the UK we have started Thursday evening prayer groups for all the Anglican churches to pray for the nation. It has been encouraging to do this online with church friends, and good to know that others are doing the same. Tish

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