Faith - Family

The Forsythia & God’s Faithfulness

Forsythia Marks the Anniversary

Today is the 27th anniversary of my son’s passing away and entering eternity. Last year I wrote the illness and faith of our little boy. You can read about Steven here.

God has healed the wound in my heart, but it took time. Only when I was far enough from my initial grief, could I look back and see the hand of God guiding and supporting our family.

Steven was loved. He knew that God loved him.

The Psalms convey both the pain of suffering and the confidence in God’s love.

He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and a buckler.

You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,

Nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,  nor the        destruction that wastes at the noonday. Psalm 91:4-6

I must confess that in the last days of Steven’s life I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff, about to plunge into darkness. I wasn’t sure of my faith. But I never stopped praying. I poured out my pain before God. The Psalms provided an example for me to follow.

Christian friends stood by us, offering their faith and prayers. Over time I was able to see the places where God had been present with us. I believe that I will see Steven again, as the Bible promises.

If you are going through a stiff trial, don’t be afraid to pour out doubts and fears in prayer. God hears and He is faithful. Let others pray for you also. Trust that as you walk forward you will see evidence of God’s hand on your life.

Linking with Let Us Grow, Grace & Truth and Word of God Speak

Let Us Grow


Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

11 Comments on “The Forsythia & God’s Faithfulness

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss, but rejoice with you that you will see your son again in Glory.

    Thank you for the insight you have learned over these past 27 years that as time separates, God’s hand in the circumstances become crystal clear.

    There is great comfort in the statement you made, “Trust that as you walk forward you will see evidence of God’s hand on your life.” O what hope that brings to the sorrowing.

    Thank you for sharing such an edifying post.

  2. Beautifully written. We used many of same verses for comfort when our Tom died. Time does help the pain but the memories are so precious!

  3. I’m so sorry for your loss, Carol. I cannot imagine the pain you must’ve endured. You shine a light on God’s faithfulness by sharing your story with us. Thank you for showing such bravery.

  4. Carol, thank you for these words of faith — spoken from the crucible. Psalm 91 is one of my favorites, and I have often wondered how someone who has experienced deep suffering looks at the huge promises. Thank you for sharing your hard-earned wisdom.

  5. I went through my grief alone…there was no support group. So I can only imagine how much of a comfort that was for you. I read your story about Steven, as a mom, I know that those were indeed difficult and even dark times for you and your family. It is lovely that your Forsythia bush blooms on the Anniversary of his going home to the Lord.

    1. Mitzi,I’m sorry that you went through grief alone. I am grateful for Christian friends, but the greatest comfort came from the gospel of John, the record of Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus and his response to Mary and Martha. John 11.

  6. thank you so much for sharing how God’s plan is perfect. as i grow in my faith, i always have a better understanding looking back to see how God has carried me through some of the most difficult times of my life. and i am reminded that He is always there in the good times and the sad times. thank you for reminding me to reach out to Him always, as He is always reaching out to me.

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