Sometimes I listen to the radio when I am in the car. At other times I prefer silence. One day I was listening to WMBI and heard an interview with Kelli Worrall. The topic of discussion was her book, Pierced and Embraced.
The discussion piqued my interest and I jotted down the title when I reached my destination. I ordered the book.
Kelli Worral included stories from her own family as she wrote about seven encounters that Jesus had with women. In a detailed account she has shown the compassion and respect that Jesus had for women (and still has), as recorded in the gospels.
The seven/eight women included in the book are: Mary, mother of Jesus; the woman at the well; the woman with the hemorrhage; the woman caught in adultery; Mary and Martha; the woman with the alabaster jar; Mary Magdalene.
Although the book is organized in seven chapters with discussion questions at the end of each chapter and could be studied over a period of weeks, I read it in one week.
Each chapter had insights for me. In the chapter about the woman with the issue of blood, Worrall discusses wounds—or gaps in the way we were mothered. This history of our childhood and transition to adulthood can affect our adult life, where we try to exert control over our fears and desires.
This resonated with me, because I have attempted to control areas of my life. More on this tomorrow.

NOTE: The bull on the cover refers to a story by Flannery O’Connor, a story symbolizing grace. Kelli Worral explains the shocking symbolism in the beginning of the book.
This post is part of #Write28Days. I am linking with Literary Musing Mondays.
Sounds like a wonderful book. I wish I had heard the interview. I am putting Pierced and Embraced on my TBR list. Thank you for the recommendation!
This sounds interesting. I jotted down the title and author on my book list. One of my favorite books is an historical fiction account by Margaret George, “Mary Called Magdalene.” I felt as though I was transported back in time, walking with Jesus and the disciples.