Steadfast in Every Season
Faith - Family

Seasons of Life

There are season of the year and seasons of life. 

Being transformed from a young professional to a mother . . .

The wonder of motherhood and being stretched in mind and body.

So quickly the days scurry by with play groups, preschool and                       kindergarten. The joy and fatigue of running with young children.

Like a hurricane unexpected and unwanted illness blows into our life. A year plus of chemo . . . then all attention focused on bone marrow                      transplant and hope is on a roller coaster.

I enter a season of grief.

Pregnant again and almost 40.

Moving forward with new life. I treasure another season of nurture.This time neighbor children playing at our home and once again volunteering at the local elementary school.

 Now an older parent. The boyfriends and girlfriends have come to our        home.Late night discussions about friends, books, viewpoints . . .

Weddings and son-in-laws . . . and then a daughter-in-law. We are so blessed with our expanding family.


Every season of life is better with faith in God.

This post is part of #Write28Days. To see all of the posts for this series click here.

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

2 Comments on “Seasons of Life

  1. I’m in the grandparent phase now and am loving it! Of course I’ve loved every other phase too. 🙂 But they tend to get even sweeter as time goes on.

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