This week my daughter called me with anguish. She and her husband have a difficult situation with their adopted son. I listened and my heart hurt for her. She was looking for advice and I had little to offer. I said her father and I would pray, and we did.
When I woke up in the night I prayed, laying the situation before our Lord. I wanted to cover my daughter’s family in prayer.
King David prayed often through many difficult circumstances.
O LORD, God of my salvation,
I cry out day and night before you.Let my prayer come before you;
Psalm 88: 1-2
incline your ear to my cry!
Today my daughter called. She and her husband have found people to help. They have a plan. I will continue to pray to our faithful God. He is able to bring healing and redeem hard situations.
Here is the first verse of the hymn titled Approach, My Soul, the Mercy Seat:
Approach, my soul, the mercy seat,
John Newton 1779
where Jesus answers pray’r;
there humbly fall before His feet,
for none can perish there.
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sometimes I’m tempted to think ‘All I can do is pray’, as if that is somehow not enough, yet it is the very thing our Lord would have us do – to give it to Him.
It is always so encouraging when prayers are answered.
It does a heart good doesn’t it to see tangible answers to prayer doesn’t it? FMF15
Praise God for His answer to your prayer! I am learning about how essential prayer is as my children grow into adults. Your example is encouraging to me.
We are blessed. Jesus taught his disciple to pray and encourages us to pray.