The cat
Family - Flowers - Michigan - Nature

My Sister’s Cat

Recently my husband and I made a trip to Upper Michigan with my sister and her cat. The cat traveled with us reluctantly. Oh, she settled down in the car when we were on our way. It was getting her into the car that was a problem.

This cat is attentive to the activity of packing the car and sneaks off to hide. At our home she finds a bed to duck under. In another house it was behind the washing machine. Eventually my sister finds her. But it doesn’t change her behavior. 

The cat is not undecided about traveling. She does not like to get into the car and hides every time. It adds adventure to a trip.

When we reached our destination, she was happy. She roamed the house. She caught a mouse.

We did enjoy our time in the beautiful upper peninsula of Michigan. The fall colors were at their peak. 

When we hiked, I found wild flowers (weeds) in bloom.

Fox & Cubs

It was restful time away from TV and internet. I finished reading a book, The Frozen River, by Ariel Lawhon. More about that in my next post.

Kate’s prompt for today: UNDECIDED Visit the Five Minute Friday writing community to join in and read other posts.

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She recently retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

2 Comments on “My Sister’s Cat

  1. no, that cat is not undecided at all. Doesn’t like the whole preamble to travelling. (can’t say I do either). I like the getting there and chillin’

    I was recently in Michigan as well, but didn’t see the abundance of flowers that you did. 🙂 Lucky you!

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