• Faith

    Attentive is my Word for 2017

    Instead of a New Year resolution, I have found it beneficial to choose a word to focus on. It is a spiritual practice for me. Attentive is my word for 2017. The dictionary gives this meaning: heedful, observant, paying attention. The events taking place in the world can be fearful.…

  • Christmas - Faith

    Merry Christmas!

    Here is a portion of the Christmas letter that I wrote on December 4th and sent out with our cards: The homes in our neighborhood are decorated for Christmas, and today we had our first snowfall. The trees sparkle with white icing. At church we sang Christmas carols and wrote…

  • Faith - Family

    Grace in a Winter Storm

    The winter storm in Michigan was brutal. I had left early in the morning hoping to get to my mother’s nursing home before it became too bad—but it was already bad. In some places I couldn’t see the road and just followed tire tracks in the snow. I hit a…

  • Childbirth - Faith

    Reading, Waiting and Listening

    Take time. Give God time to reveal Himself to you. Give yourself time to be silent and quiet before Him, waiting to receive through the Spirit the assurance of His presence with you, His power working in you. Take time to read His Word as in His presence; that from…

  • Faith

    Our Common Condition & Hope

    Today I am joining Five Minute Friday (#FMF) where bloggers write for five minutes about one word. The prompt for today is common. So here we go. After a tumultuous and divisive election what do we as people have in common? The Bible shows us these truths. God loves us.…

  • Faith

    After the Election: Prayer & Love

    It is good to be studying God’s word during this season (and always). I am reminded that the problems we face as a nation are not new. We are sinful people seeking our own ends and solutions. The apostle Paul had his moment of awakening. The Jewish law could not…

  • Faith - Family

    The World Series and the Gospel

    The Chicago Cubs are World Series Champions. Wow!! The last time the Cubs even played in the World Series was 1945. My Dad went to one of the games. He was a WWII veteran, just home from the war.   Some one gave him a ticket. He was cheering for…

  • Faith - Family

    American History: Revive Us

    This past week my husband and I attended Revive Us, a live event at theaters. As a part of the presentation Kirk Cameron and Eric Metaxas took us to Independence hall in Philadelphia, where our nation began. Our founding fathers understood the importance of faith in God in the pursuit…