• Abortion - Health - Women

    The Choice

    Years ago, a young woman, a friend of my daughter, became pregnant out of wedlock. It was a tumultuous time in her life. With the support of friends she chose life, and we had a shower for her at our home. This woman’s daughter is now a teenager. Another unmarried…

  • Abortion - Family - Health - Sexuality - Women

    Women and Children

    Through the years that I have worked in maternity care I have supported the health of mothers and babies. I am saddened by the view of sexuality in our culture and its effect on the family. Change has come slowly and insidiously.     Our human nature can guide us to trust…

  • Abortion - Health - Women

    After 50 Years

    In 1973 I was in my first year of practice as a registered nurse. I was working on a labor/delivery unit in a city hospital. I was shocked when an abortion by saline induction was done on our unit. Why, on a unit devoted to new life, was a baby…

  • Abortion - Family - Women

    What Do the Signs Say?

    Today men and women, teens and children will be marching in Washington D.C. It doesn’t matter that it is very cold with the prospect of more snow. Today is the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.  The marchers will be carrying signs. What do the signs say? LET THEIR…

  • Abortion - Childbirth - Children - Family - Parenting - Women

    Why Choose Life?

    In the U.S. state elections this past week abortion was a central issue. Ohio voted to enshrine abortion in their constitution. I am deeply saddened. In 1950 the U.S. fertility rate was 3.5 births per woman. The current fertility rate is 1.78 births per woman. In order to replace/maintain the…

  • Abortion - Childbirth - Faith - Prayer

    Give In or Stand Firm?

    For many years I worked as a childbirth nurse. Early on in my career I had to clarify my position on life. In 1973 I was in my first job—a labor and delivery unit in a busy hospital. The hospital was associated with a University Medical School. I don’t think…

  • Abortion - Children - Family

    The Gift of Life

    On March 4 the Wall Street Journal had an article that caught my attention. In Aging Japan, One Town Holds the Secret to Making More Babies. The article was written by Miho Inada. Inada explains that people, including Japan’s leaders, are going to Nagi to see this place where parents have…

  • Abortion - Women

    No Simple Solutions

    Today the 50th March for Life is taking place in Washington D.C. In 1973 the Supreme Court (nine men) made the decision that abortion is a human right based on right to privacy. Although the decision has been questioned over the years, there was doubt that it could be overturned. Last…

  • Abortion - Childbirth - Faith - Sexuality

    Tears for Loss of Life

    Sadness and tears. It is how I feel for the loss of life. Many in our country have an extreme view of reproductive rights. Individual choices and success take precedent over the gift of life that God gives. My husband and I are reading through the book of Ezekiel. I can’t…