Flowers - Gardening - Nature

The Tulips at Windmill Island Gardens

In late April of 2012 we visited Windmill Island Gardens in Holland Michigan. The park wasn’t due to open quite yet, but the tulips were early and we were fortunate to see the gardens in full bloom.

The Tulips at Windmill Gardens

Tulips have so many varied colors. It it a tribute to the Creator of all flowers.


The news and politics can weigh heavy on my mind, but God makes rest and joy available in nature. I have some tulips blooming in my yard– and happy memories of Windmill Island.

When I go out to the garden the noise and rush of the world comes to a pause. Now the peony stems and buds are poking through the soil. The lilacs are beginning to bloom and I see the promise of berries on bushes and strawberry plants.

The poem by Winifred Mary Letts (1882 – 1972) makes me smile.

That God once loved a garden
we learn in Holy Writ.
And seeing gardens in the
Spring I well can credit it.


It is easier follow the guidance given in Philippians while working in the garden.

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.           Philippians 4:8


Can you imagine what it was like for Adam and Eve to talk with God in the first garden?

Linking with Mom to Mom,  Words with Winter,  Word of God SpeakGrace & Truth,  Thought Provoking ThursdayNature Notes, Seasons and Sue’s Wordless Wednesday

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

12 Comments on “The Tulips at Windmill Island Gardens

  1. Gardening has taught me many deep truths and brought Scriptures to light in new ways. I love the photos!

  2. Absolutely beautiful pictures of such lovely tulips!!

    I loved your insights and the poem you shared perfectly summed them up.

    I loved my visit here today! Thanks for brightening up my day! 🙂

  3. Tulips are one of my very favourite flowers, although I do have a large range of favourites! Your photo’s made my heart sing!

  4. Oh, how lovely, and the words resonate with me. Seeking His face where it is calm, peaceful, quiet, lovely, all seem to calm my spirit to meet Him. I love this and the glorious tulips.
    I can only imagine Adam and Eve in the garden. How wonderful it was in the beginning, I am quite sure.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  5. How I love the flowers and the reminder of new life in the Spring and Summer. They are truly some of God’s greatest masterpieces. I hope to someday have a flower garden, but for now, I have my azaleas and will have some annual container gardens, I’m sure. God truly is so ever-present in nature. I feel his presence there, too. Oh, I found you via the Grace and Truth Link-Up. It’s nice to “meet” you!

  6. Wow…I love all the color. I have tulips, but the deer eat them most years… They must taste yummy…. Regarding a nest. It is common for a nest to be raided. I have had both mallard and goose nests here and in every case, they were raided. I am guessing raccoon, but it could be fox or even coyote in this area. Sad….Michelle

  7. There’s probably no place more Dutch than Holland Michigan! The Keukenhof is the place of tulips in Holland that I’m missing these months.
    The elections are in my prayers everyday, even though I can’t vote because I’m still Dutch, because I love this country…
    Many thanks for being a part of Seasons with your beautiful image! And “see” you very soon!

  8. i can’t imagine the splendor of what the garden of Eden was like for adam and eve, but i do keep trying. unfortunately, here in illinois, i am wondering if we have missed spring once again and are going right into summer. i sure hope not! my giant iris beds are already 7″ and growing and i am so looking forward to the blooms.

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