The Wichita Botanical Garden is family oriented. The great variety of flowers, herbs and trees delight the eyes. And at intervals there is a surprise for children (and adults). Huge lego animals appear throughout the gardens. The dog pictured above had a sign that explained dogs are dichromatic (two kinds…
Thimbleberry Jam: A Michigan Treat
At the end of July and the beginning of August the thimbleberries ripen in Upper Michigan. Some years I am able to be there to pick the wild berries. But not this year. Instead, I have my memories. Ten years ago I wrote: Thimbleberries grow wild in Upper Michigan. I…
In the Garden
My freezer is full to capacity. The cherries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries have been abundant this year. The raspberry bushes are still producing berries—I have been picking every day for the past week and shared some with my neighbor. A couple days ago I had a surprising encounter among the…
Berries, Cherries, Pannukakku and Pie
Raspberries and blueberries are in season. The raspberries in my yard have abundant berries. They are so good with ice cream! They are also good with a Finnish oven pancake (Pannukakku). Here is a recipe for this slightly sweetened pancake. Ingredients: Preheat oven to 400°. Beat eggs in a large…
Children of the Day
The cherries were abundant this year. My daughter and the grandchildren helped me pick and pit them. The birds were a little intimidated by the shiny CDs that I hung in the tree and left us more to ripen than other years. The rabbits have enjoyed the cherries that fell…
In My Garden: Heirloom Tomatoes and Herbs
It is still the month of May and my tomato plants have flowers! I enjoy the heirloom varieties and now save seeds from one year to the next. I started my seeds indoors at the beginning of April. My granddaughter took over the care of the plants when we traveled,…
If We Learn Nothing
Last night we attended our granddaughter’s graduation from high school. Each speaker mentioned the pandemic because these students spent their freshman year at home. Their classes were online. But they persevered and are now celebrated for their achievement. I am proud of my granddaughter’s hard work! My thoughts returned to…
The Flowers of New Mexico
When troubles swirl around, I find some peace and rest in prayer (alone and with family), in the beauty of nature and in time spent with children. The curiosity and joy that children have is infectious. We have been spending time in New Mexico, visiting our son’s family. Flowers seem…
Family Life in Our Time
It is a gray morning. We have had four days of rain and snow. I am thankful for the daffodils that give a little sunshine. I have been thinking about my grandchildren. My daughters are in the process of making decisions for the next school year. Over the past few…
Seasons and Thyme
When it snowed on Wednesday, I realized that the mild fall weather was turning towards winter. Thankfully I had brought my potted herbs indoors prior to the snow. It is a blessing to have fresh herbs year around. I have a sunny bay window that is the perfect spot for…