Health - Parenting - Vaccines

VAXXED: 4 Actions to Improve Vaccine Safety

VAXXED: A Powerful Message
Photo by [email protected]

The destruction of data by the CDC is a huge news story but the major networks on TV are not covering it. I learned about the documentary, VAXXED on social media.  I read that the Huffington Post censored an   article about the movie. I wanted to see it myself. I’m glad that it is at a   theater in Chicago for a week. Not the suburbs but in the city.

My husband doesn’t like to drive in the city, but he was a peach and drove me to  the one theater showing VAXXED. We took the expressway into Chicago, but we also had a long drive on Diversey Pkwy. The traffic was bumper to bumper.

VAXXED: A Powerful Message

The movie is not anti-vaccine. Medical researchers and parents, like me, have observed significant side effects from vaccines. Parents have raised questions and made a connection between a vaccine and a changed health status. The movie looks at the research that was done in response—and the data that was destroyed by the CDC. The movie is about vaccine safety.

As I watched the movie, events in my life as a parent resurfaced. I listened as a parent talked about multiple doses of antibiotics that her son received before getting the MMR at 15 months of age.  As she described the change in her son and their family, I recalled the pattern I had seen in my toddler. I had searched for answers.

My daughter had multiple doses of antibiotic followed by the MMR at 15 months. Soon after she had significant abdominal symptoms, bloating and diarrhea. Her language development came to a standstill, and she seemed to be in pain. The pediatrician prescribed a medication to calm her gut, but it made her worse.

So I had a consultation with a pediatric gastroenterologist. He listened to my observations and then asked me questions about my parenting. He suggested that I should let him admit her to the hospital so  he  could    observe her. He said I should stay at home while she was in the hospital. I cried on the way home from that consultation.

Instead my husband and I took her to a different gastroenterologist. He did an intestinal biopsy and mentioned some inflammation,  but no       diagnosis. He had no advice or treatment.

It is interesting that parents called Dr. Wakefield, a gastroenterologist, with stories similar to mine. Dr. Wakefield, along with other doctors, began a study that led him to question whether there was a link between the MMR vaccine, the  gastrointestinal symptoms and behavior changes.

I kept a journal with my observations related to the foods my daughter was eating. We went to an alternative medicine doctor and received help. I worked on strict dietary changes that made a difference. I feel very blessed that dietary measures, homeopathic medicine and nutritional support allowed my daughter to regain her health.

The research done by the CDC (in 2001 to 2004) showed an increase risk of autism when the MMR was given to black boys in the time frame 12 to 18 months. Children who had received the vaccine after 36 months had less risk. But the research team decided to destroy this data. Only Dr. Thompson kept a record of the study. His records were forwarded to Congress in 2015, but nothing has been done.

The film pointed out the limited testing that is done prior to approving vaccines. Little is known about the safety of giving multiple vaccines at one time. Our children are participating in an experiment that has consequences for their long term health.

The film recommends contacting our congressmen in the  House  of          Representatives and asking that they:

  1. Subpoena Dr. Thompson and have him testify.
  2. Revoke the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. This law releases pharmaceuticals from any liability.   They cannot be sued for     vaccine injury.
  3. Provide the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines as single vaccines     instead of the combined injection.   Japan gives the measles vaccine as a single dose.
  4. Require that vaccines receive the same level of testing as other medications.

If you have a chance to see VAXXED, please go. The research, the information, the interviews with parents and doctors, all provide a perspective that you can judge for yourself.

Linking with Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural,  A Little R & R, Whole Hearted Wednesday and Tuesdays with a Twist

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

6 Comments on “VAXXED: 4 Actions to Improve Vaccine Safety

  1. Great post, thanks. But even if they were made “safer,” I would still want a choice. Also, safer does not mean safe.

  2. This is a very important post! I have been concerned about the connection between vaccines and health for a long time. It is great to read that visiting an alternative medicine doctor, strict dietary changes along with homeopathic medicine and nutritional support allowed your daughter to regain her health. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable insights and experiences regarding the effects of vaccines on children and highlights from the film VAXXED at the the Healthy Happy Green Natural Party! I’m Pinning and sharing this!

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