At the beginning of the 19th century, in the city of Chicago, the health of young children was in perilous condition. The health of both women and children needed focused attention.
In 1916, for example, Chicago’s death rate for children under 2 years of age was 141.4 per 1,000 live births, as compared with 129.3 for Detroit, 88.3 for Philadelphia, 58.1 for New York and 49.4 for Boston.
“Enteritis under 2” remained as one of the top ten causes of death reported by the Illinois state Board of health each year from 1902 to 1913, and dramatic increases in childhood diarrheal diseases continued to be identified in the hot summer months.*
Lack of proper sanitation and hygiene contributed to the illness. Malnutrition was another factor. The educated women in Chicago responded to this health crisis. Women from Hull House, the Chicago Women’s Club, women physicians and social workers became involved.
A broad coalition of public health practitioners, social welfare advocates, and women’s rights supporters argued that a sound and democratic future depended on mother’s ability to produce and maintain a robust citizenry.**
Since that time improved sanitation, indoor plumbing, purified water, pasteurization of milk and improved hygiene have made a difference. Public health classes on infant care and nutrition have benefited young mothers.
In addition, the discovery of antibiotics to treat infections has saved lives. These wonderful medicines were eventually overused. Doctors have learned that not every ear infection should be treated with antibiotics. When antibiotics are overprescribed they lose their effectiveness: bacteria become resistant and increasingly difficult to treat.
Is the same thing happening with the heavy use of vaccines? Is the immune system—intricately designed by God—being impaired by too many vaccines?

Currently 1 in 68 children has been diagnosed with the autism spectrum. Children have more allergies and are being diagnosed with immune system disorders. It is shocking that research data indicating a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism was destroyed. Click here for a news article.
The number of vaccines recommended for children by age six has dramatically increased. If you count up the doses of each type of vaccine, there are 39 to be administered by age six. Click here for the recommended vaccine schedule.
Each vaccine injection contains adjuvants. These are additions like mercury and aluminum, which stimulates the immune system to respond. What is the cumulative effect of these additives? We are concerned about mercury in the environment—and yet it is injected into the bodies of young children? Click here for an interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. regarding his research into mercury in vaccines.
Vaccines should be evaluated by their benefits and risks. Why does an infant need to receive a vaccine (hepatitis B) for a sexually transmitted disease? Click here for a school nurse’s concern about the hepatitis B vaccine.
A group of researchers, doctors and parents are working together for the robust health of children in the United States. A petition for vaccine safety is available on-line.
Click here to join the voices of many others who have concerns about vaccine safety.
*Lynne Curry, Modern Mothers in the heartland: Gender, Health and Progress in Illinois, 1900 – 1930, Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1999. p. 19.
**Ibid. p.1
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HI Carol,
I couldn’t agree with you more about the vaccines. I have no doubt that vaccines are connected to Autism and many other conditions. I have experienced myself what the over use of antibiotics can do and it can affect your health for the rest of your life. Thanks for writing this vitally important post and sharing your information. Congratulations on being featured on HHGN blog hop.Pinning & tweeting. Have a healthy, happy & blessed day!
I too have been concerned about reports linking vaccines to autism and other conditions in children. I am happy to learn that a group of researchers, doctors and parents are working together to support children’s health in the U.S. and that a petition for vaccine safety is available on-line. Thank you so much for sharing this insightful article with us at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I’m pinning and sharing.
Thank-you! We need to protect the long term health of children.