
We Built a Fairy House

Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes the first five minutes of writing stimulates more thought, and I continue on . . . Today’s prompt is: VISIT

Today my three-year-old granddaughter came to visit.   She  had  just   arrived when she showed me a book she had been looking at.  It had fairy houses. “Grandma, will you help me make a fairy house?”

I didn’t know what to say at first. Then I suggested that we walk around the backyard. This sweet little girl began pointing out flowers and we picked a few. We talked and she stimulated my imagination. I collected a couple large pieces of bark—she was delighted to see a couple roly-poly bugs (also known as pill bugs) on the bark. She played with the bugs as I propped the bark over an empty little plant container.

Then her imagination took over, and as I handed her leaves and pieces of vine, she continued to build the “fairy house”.

A Fairy House

It was a special time. We talked about the wonderful variety in God’s creation.//

We looked at the currant bushes with abundant green berries. We picked a gooseberry, not quite ripe but pretty to look at.


My granddaughter pointed out a yellow flower that had grown volunteer, maybe a calendula.

It is truly a gift to spend time with a child, seeing the world with her. I delighted in the imagination of my little granddaughter. In our time together I had an opportunity to share my thoughts about God.

Join the fun at Five Minute Friday by clicking here.


Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

10 Comments on “We Built a Fairy House

  1. What a wonderful and magical visit with your granddaughter! I enjoyed reading about it. 🙂 I’m sure it’s one that she will treasure for years to come. 🙂

  2. What a lovely time! You are right: “It is truly a gift to spend time with a child.” The little ones have such an amazing imagination, sweet logic, and unique view of the world. I love every (well almost every) minute with my grandkids. I’ve been blessed with 18, most live in homes which have backyards bordering my backyard… so we walk to our houses through our backyards. “Visit”-ing from spot 5 at FMF this week.

  3. How precious, making memories that will last her a lifetime. Some of my most treasured memories are of time spent with my grandmothers.
    I’m your FMF neighbor this week.

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