Children - Faith - Parenting

What Do We Tell the Children?

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my grandchildren. I was happy to join the family for dinner. As we were eating dinner the second grader said, “We might be having world war three.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“A boy in my class said that.”

The granddaughter who is in middle school said, “My teacher spent two class hours talking about what is happening.”

We had a discussion of the current news. The grandchildren listened attentively–they were concerned.

I am very glad to be studying Paul’s letters to Timothy at this time. I explained that  Paul had sound advice and encouragement for Timothy during a very difficult time.

As I mentioned Paul’s letter to Timothy, the words came to me. “God is sovereign. He knows what is happening. We can pray for our leaders that they will do what is right.” 

As I thought about our conversation I am reminded of the importance of time studying the Bible. We can direct our children and grandchildren to be grounded in the Word, sharing scripture with them. We can encourage them to participate in prayer for our country, our President, his cabinet and congress.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 

This post is shared with the Five Minute Friday writing community. Today’s prompt is: DIRECTION

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

9 Comments on “What Do We Tell the Children?

  1. I’m grateful that my children a young enough to be somewhat sheltered from these kind of current events. But we’ve talked about many other things that cause them to worry, and I love what you say above. It really is about developing a trust in God and his goodness.
    My younger sons take this rather innately. They trust God because they trust their parents. Our 10 year old is going through the difficult process of forming a faith of her, and she struggles with how to handle when bad things happen. But we try to just keep pointing her back to God’s love and his word, and reminding her of his faithfulness to her, even before she was born.
    Thank you for this important encouragement!

  2. Yes, reminding them that God is sovereign and knows what is happening is so important. Important for them to hear and me to hear. God never wants us living in fear.
    My teen son and I are watching Doomesday Preppers on Netflicks. These are end of the world people who are preparing for the worst. We can laugh at them (and him and I have), but God wants us to have empathy for them. These people think they can control things they can’t. They are living in fear. These shows have sparked many good conversations about God being in charge. About what we should be focusing on. About living in fear or freedom. About God’s role in our lives. We as parents need to keep pointing our children to God’s truth. He is sovereign. For that I am so thankful.

  3. What shall we tell the children,
    when we must show proof
    against what is bewildering,
    and offer, instead truth?
    What shall we tell the little ones
    when there are those who seek
    to mold the way their small hearts run,
    and make their new faith weak?
    What shall we tell those who are such
    as heaven’s kingdom (so Christ said)
    when the world has much too much
    of the flagrant rich, and dead?
    It’s not vital, what we say;
    it’s how we live each single day.

  4. I agree, these are hard discussion, but so important to have these conversations with children and encourage them in the truth of God’s sovereignty.

    1. The family dinner time provides an opportunity. I’m glad my granddaughter spoke up with what she heard at school. The children are hearing pieces of the news.

  5. What a blessing to have a wise grandmother to help the little ones deal with so much “adult” news and hard things! Wonderful advice for us older ones – whose hearts can be just as troubled.

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