• Children - Family - Flowers - Nature

    The Flowers of New Mexico

    When troubles swirl around, I find some peace and rest in prayer (alone and with family), in the beauty of nature and in time spent with children. The curiosity and joy that children have is infectious. We have been spending time in New Mexico, visiting our son’s family. Flowers seem…

  • Abortion - Childbirth - Children - Family - Parenting - Women

    Why Choose Life?

    In the U.S. state elections this past week abortion was a central issue. Ohio voted to enshrine abortion in their constitution. I am deeply saddened. In 1950 the U.S. fertility rate was 3.5 births per woman. The current fertility rate is 1.78 births per woman. In order to replace/maintain the…

  • Children - Faith - Family - Grandparents - Parenting

    A March for Children

    The Bible has been my guide throughout life. The Psalms provide comfort during times of grief. The Proverbs offer instruction. The gospels, written by Matthew, Mark Luke and John show the life and way of Jesus. All the books in the Bible teach about God’s desire for us. I am…

  • Berries - Children - Family - Michigan - Nature

    Family Time by Lake Superior

    Last week we were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with our married children and the grandchildren. It was a delight to watch the grandkids enjoy being out in nature, spending precious time with their cousins.  I watched the older cousins flock around the youngest. We enjoyed picnics along the…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Decisions Parents Make

    There have been many changes in our culture since my children were little. As the calendar is about to flip to August, school is just around the corner for the grandchildren. My adult children face more difficult decisions than I did. One daughter will have three children in the public…

  • Childbirth - Children - Parenting - Women

    Three Women and Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 14. The Farmer’s Almanac gives the history of this day, pointing to three women who promoted respect and support for motherhood. In the middle of the 19th century, Ann Reeves Jarvis sponsored Mothers’ Day work clubs. Her goal was to improve the living condition for…

  • Children - Faith - Family - Prayer

    Eternal Perspective

    Tragic events happen. Yesterday I went to the funeral for a young man, just 31 years old. There were unanswered questions about his death, but the service provided a message of hope. Thirty-four years ago, my son passed away after a two year battle with leukemia. The pain of his…