• Book Reviews - Women

    Women Establishing Order in a War Zone

    In 1917 eighteen Smith College graduates went to France to provide relief measures and establish order in war torn villages. Lauren Willig has written a novel based on the reports about this group. The author read a memoir by one of the members of the Smith College Relief Unit and…

  • Faith - Midwifery - Women

    Strong Women: Midwives and Nurses

    As we look back through history, we come across women who demonstrated faith and courage. Their actions were based on convictions. Some are midwives, and some are nurses. The first book of Exodus records the confrontation between Pharoah and two midwives. Shiprah and Puah did not carry out the Pharoah’s…

  • Childbirth - Children - Family

    Seasons and Life: Gifts from God

    Have you heard this nursery rhyme?  Monday’s child is fair of faceTuesday’s child is full of graceWednesday’s child is full of woeThursday’s child has far to goFriday’s child is loving and givingSaturday’s child works hard for his livingAnd the child that is born on the Sabbath dayIs bonny and blithe,…