• Abortion - Health - Women

    The Choice

    Years ago, a young woman, a friend of my daughter, became pregnant out of wedlock. It was a tumultuous time in her life. With the support of friends she chose life, and we had a shower for her at our home. This woman’s daughter is now a teenager. Another unmarried…

  • Book Reviews - Faith - Women

    Life with God: Book Review

    Today’s prompt for Five Minute Friday is: PRESERVE.  As I looked through the Psalms I found this verse with a beautiful promise. As for you, O LORD, you will not restrainyour mercy from me;your steadfast love and your faithfulness willever preserve me! Psalm 40:11 The current news cycle can stir up…

  • Abortion - Family - Health - Sexuality - Women

    Women and Children

    Through the years that I have worked in maternity care I have supported the health of mothers and babies. I am saddened by the view of sexuality in our culture and its effect on the family. Change has come slowly and insidiously.     Our human nature can guide us to trust…

  • Book Reviews - Childbirth - Family - Women

    Two Reviews and a Rose

    Cultures collide on the frontier. Linda Ulleseit’s novel, The River Remembers, is a story set in the Michigan territory during the 1830s and 1840s. Three main characters—each from a different ethnic group—move the story forward. Day Set is a Dakota Indian. Harriet is a Black slave. Samantha is White, a sister…

  • Abortion - Health - Women

    After 50 Years

    In 1973 I was in my first year of practice as a registered nurse. I was working on a labor/delivery unit in a city hospital. I was shocked when an abortion by saline induction was done on our unit. Why, on a unit devoted to new life, was a baby…

  • Book Reviews - Faith - Women

    Three Good Books

    In the Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord The author of this book has a pseudonym to protect herself and the experiences that she relates. She worked at an NGO in Afghanistan, providing service to poor Afghan women. She was there for five years. As I read this book,…

  • Book Reviews - Women

    Women with Conviction: Book Reviews

    Donna Everhart has written a novel about the Civil War with a unique perspective. When the Jessamine Grows is set in North Carolina (1860s), in an area where there were subsistence farmers. They didn’t own slaves. North Carolina was drawn into the war, expecting residents to support secession. What would…