Public, Private or Home School?
Children - Family - Parenting - Prayer

Public, Private or Home School?

Throughout the past year I have thought about our education system. We pay taxes for public schools. What is the return for the money?

I am grateful for the education that I received in the public school system in the 1950s and 60s. I had classes in art and music in addition to reading, writing and math. I had home economics classes. The first time the topic of sex came up, it was in my eighth-grade biology class.

In Illinois sex education begins in elementary school. The sex education program has expanded and it is taking time away from other classes. Our local high school has pushed transgender bathrooms and locker rooms. Is it any wonder that math and reading levels are falling? What does tax-payer funded public school owe families?

Both of my daughters are stressed with decisions about private, public or homeschool. They want their children to develop life skills. They also want to guide their faith in God.

The woke culture seems like a religion to me. It doesn’t have a factual base. The followers believe it and desire to enforce it on others. It is not right for the public school system to push this.

In this time, I find myself praying more often. I offer my help to my daughters when I can. The church community could provide support.

Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.

For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. Psalm 33:20-22

Join me in praying for today’s parents.

Linking this post with the Five Minute Friday writing community and Inspire Me Monday.

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

8 Comments on “Public, Private or Home School?

  1. our families, our grandchildren are facing situations that we never dreamed of. i’m praying more than ever … without ceasing. hard stuff.

  2. I wonder ’bout the schools today,
    not giving children what they need.
    I wonder what employers say
    to graduates who just can’t read,
    but know the gender unicorn,
    and think Lincoln was a racist.
    By these things our culture’s torn,
    nice pickings for the facist
    thugs who would now ban free speech
    because they get offended,
    and demand they get to teach
    as Lenin recommended,
    lies as the unquestioned truth
    that they might enslave our youth.

  3. I so agree with this! We homeschooled our children and I’m a strong advocate for homeschooling, but I think there are ways that churches could step up and help. And even if we do not have our own children in a public school, I believe that we each have a responsibility to get involved to protect children from the godless agenda in the schools. Visiting from FMF#14

  4. it would be nice if the church community would help more in combating the woke culture with our children isn’t it? We can’t expect the federal government to do so. visiting from FMF11

    1. Several Christians from our school district ran for the school board a few years back. Unfortunately large funds from woke groups (outside our district) funded other candidates and the Christians lost. I don’t know how many people in our church voted.
      A conservative group,”” offers seminars for people interested in running for school boards.
      It is encouraging to see a group in southern Illinois coming together to impact public education.

  5. I do pray for the kids and teachers in the public schools. My grandchildren are in public schools- they can’t afford private schools and their working parents are unable to home school them. Today’s public schools are not good. We all need to be praying for our schools whether or not our children and grandchildren are in them. These kids are our future.
    Terri #9 FMF

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