Berries - Faith - Gardening - Recipes

Fruit of the Garden

After I retired from clinical nursing, my work has changed. My work revolves around home and church. Gardening is a pleasant task at home. I enjoy planting and nourishing the garden. It is fulfilling to pick the produce and share it with family and friends.

It is interesting that the word, work, appears in the Bible 343 times. It appears first in Genesis. It is God’s design that we work.

The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. Genesis 2:15

The berries in my yard are abundant this year: currants, red raspberries and black raspberries. The elderberries are still to come. The pests are abundant as well: aphids and Japanese beetles. I continue to learn about measures of control.

I have made currant/raspberry jelly and frozen quarts of raspberries. I plan to make pie with the black raspberries. Here is my recipe for a black raspberry and blueberry pie. (I have shared it once before).

Prepare the pastry.

Add ¼ tsp. salt to 1 + ½ cup flour. Cut in ½ cup of butter using a pastry blender. The mixture should resemble coarse crumbs. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to ½ cup of cold water. Gradually drizzle the water over the flour mixture, mixing it in with a fork. Add just enough water for the dough to hold together. Do not over mix the dough. I like to place the dough in the refrigerator, letting it rest, while I put the filling together. 

For the filling:

2 cups black raspberries

2 + ½ cups blueberries

½ cup sugar

¼ cup tapioca granules or tapioca flour

Combine the berries, sugar and tapioca.

Then take out the dough and divide it in half. Roll out one piece to line a 9” pie plate. Roll out the other piece to make a pie cover. I like to fold the dough for the top crust in half twice (triangle shape), and then make some decorative slits—it is like the way you make cuts on folded paper for paper snowflakes.

Place the filling in the prepared pie dish. Unfold and lay the top cover on the pie and seal the edges. Brush with water and sprinkle a little sugar on top. Bake at 350° for about 1 hour. The pastry should be golden and the filling bubbling.

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Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

7 Comments on “Fruit of the Garden

  1. Carol, what an enticingly perfect photo of the blackberry! I just harvested loads of blackcurrants and am hoping to make some jam – any recipes for good blackcurrant jam? Do you think it would mix well with lemon and rhubarb? Dawn #27

    1. Dawn, thanks for visiting. I have not had experience with blackcurrants. I do grow red lake currants, and make a jelly with them. I still experiment with adding the right amount of pectin in the process. Sometimes I have jelly, and sometimes it is a thick syrup. Both are good.Creative cooking is an experiment, isn’t it?

  2. I tried to grow strawberries
    once ‘pon a far and distant time,
    because, to me, their essence carries
    something sweet of the Divine.
    I watched them grow, and pulled the weeds,
    but one day were fewer berries found,
    for they seemed to fill the needs
    of critters living underground.
    And then a whole plant disappeared
    right before my awestruck gaze,
    and it was as I had feared,
    that they had found the best of days,
    the gophers (oh, those little beasts)
    had deemed my work the best of feasts.

  3. Yes, it’s God’s design that we work – what a blessing when our work brings us joy! Visiting from FMF#15

  4. Oh my! That sounds delicious, Carol!
    I’m a gardener too–mostly flowers. Japanese beetles haven’t made their presence known…yet. We’ve had quite a dry spell, but recent rains may bring them out of hiding. I’m watching for them.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Cindie (visiting from FMF #12)

    1. I saw the 1st beetle on July 2. Since then I have made a daily round of the raspberry bushes, cherry tree and plum tree picking them off into a pail of soapy water.

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