• Faith - Prayer

    Beyond the Sunset

    Beyond the Sunset is a hymn that I remember from childhood. My Dad had a good voice and sang this with joy. Here are the words to the first verse: Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, When with our Savior heaven is begun, Earth’s toiling ended, O glorious dawning; Beyond…

  • Grandparents - Prayer

    For the Sake of the Children

    The questions about the integrity of the November 3rd election are troubling. I am most concerned for my children and grandchildren. What does the future hold for them? This morning I read a parable recorded in the book of Luke. And he told them a parable to the effect that they…

  • Faith - Prayer

    Global Reset or Global Prayer

    Last night I didn’t sleep well. I have grief over the state of our country. We are experiencing limited social interaction, censorship, financial pressures and school closures. I am most concerned when I hear world leaders talking about a Global Reset or a New World Order. Del Bigtree had a…

  • Faith - Family - Prayer

    Those Who Love Your Name

    Flowers are still blooming in my backyard. The aster (I think it is an aromatic aster) is a nice surprise. It’s blooming in a pot of depleted wild flowers. The humming birds still visit the phlox and zinnias. My humming bird feeder attracts wasps as well as the humming birds.…

  • Faith - Gardening - Prayer

    The Right Life-map

    This past week I skipped my morning Bible study a couple of days. Instead I read a few articles in the newspaper at the breakfast table. The tension of our current time put my nerves on edge. I felt irritable. I drank more coffee and spent too much time on…

  • Prayer

    Lessons from History: Esther, Adams & Jefferson

    My days are spent in the garden, in the kitchen and with a book. I begin with Bible study—currently the book of Esther. The drama of King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther, Mordecai and Haman is colorful, frightening and humorous. But I am most struck by the steadfast calm and faith that…

  • Childbirth - Faith - Prayer

    Prayer: the Antidote to Fear

    There are times and circumstances that overwhelm with fear. Remember the Bible account of the sudden storm on the Sea of Galilee? A huge storm came up. Waves poured into the boat, threatening to sink it. And Jesus was in the stern, head on a pillow, sleeping! They roused him…