In this new year, my husband and I have begun a plan to read through the Bible in one year. Reading through Genesis we have come across Enoch and Noah. The text informs that both men walked with God. The phrase has stuck in my thoughts. What does it mean…
Daniel’s Example: A Life of Faith
People of faith are recorded in the Bible. Currently I am studying Daniel who lived in exile. Despite being separated from Israel and living in Babylon, he kept his faith in God. The 9th chapter of the book of Daniel records that Daniel was reading the words of Jeremiah. He prayed…
Faith and Hope for 2021
On New Year’s Eve I wrote the following words. As 2020 slips into sunset, I look forward with hope that the new year will bring a revival of faith, renewed health and joy. And yet, just a few days in, the pandemic continues and the political tension is increasing. I…
Seeking Peace and Focus: Quieting the Competing Voices
On Thursday evenings I look forward to seeing the prompt that Kate Motaung has chosen for Five Minute Friday. I enjoy linking up with this community of writers and seeing where the word takes us. Today’s prompt is: SIMPLIFY Sometimes the news and political controversies stir up my emotions…
Attentive is my Word for 2017
Instead of a New Year resolution, I have found it beneficial to choose a word to focus on. It is a spiritual practice for me. Attentive is my word for 2017. The dictionary gives this meaning: heedful, observant, paying attention. The events taking place in the world can be fearful.…
One Word for the New Year
The practice of choosing one word for the New Year has been an inspiration for me. Last year my word was gracious, and having this word in mind I was more conscious of my conversation and actions. I paused a little more, seeking kind words. I have been thinking…