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The Uncomfortable Truth About Vaccine Research


Gut wrenching videos. Do you wonder what kind of research requires live baby parts? The barbaric procedures we have seen in undercover videos did not happen overnight. Biological research has been taking place for years with ever increasing boldness. I was shocked when I came across a link to a Finnish research article that detailed experimentation with live fetuses during abortions.

In the past I have expressed pride in my Finnish heritage. But medical research culled from abortion? I am saddened. In 1950 Finland legalized abortion. Socialized medicine paid for the abortions; research provided a return on the investment.

A research paper titled, “Development of Mammalian Sulfur Metabolism”, was published in Pediatric Research in 1972.  It details an experiment performed on live fetuses, just prior to the termination of their life. The purpose of the study was to track the metabolism of amino acids—requiring that the fetus live for 10 minutes beyond the injection of a solution into the umbilical cord. This study was designed to assist in the production of infant formula.

The article states: We have therefore examined the development of the transsulfuration pathway in 58 human fetuses obtained at therapeutic abortion during approximately the 2nd-6th month of gestation and in liver from 5 full term and 3 prematurely born infants.

The article goes on to explain the procedure that was used on live fetuses lifted from the uterus during a surgical procedure (hysterotomy): For “in vivo” experiments, each fetus immediately after removal from the uterus was injected with . . . [a specific solution]. All injections were made into the umbilical vein through a short Teflon catheter which was then rinsed with 0.2 ml 0.9% NaCl; the whole cord was clamped on the fetal side of the point of entry of the catheter to prevent blood loss during the experiment. After 10 min, the cord was severed close to the fetus, and as much blood as possible was collected into a tube which contained heparin as anticoagulant. The fetal organs were quickly removed and dropped into liquid nitrogen. The plasma and organs were prepared for amino acid analysis as described previously [26]  Click here to access the article.

This was not the only research being conducted through abortions. I did a little more searching. Timo Vesikari writes about his participation in vaccine development in an article titled, “From Rubella to Rotavirus, and Beyond”.* Here is an excerpt from the abstract:

Next, in late 1966, I was incredibly lucky to meet Antti Vaheri (later Professor of Virology) who had just returned to Finland from the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia with all the latest knowledge in rubella research. . . . Live attenuated rubella vaccines were being developed and the leading candidate was HP-77 high passage virus from NIH. An important open question was whether the live attenuated vaccine would cross placenta same way as wild type rubella virus. The crucial study was to be done in Finland, away from potentially damaging publicity in the US, with Dr. Fred Robbins, a Nobel Laureate, as godfather of the project. Under the seniors I was to do much of the work: vaccinate pregnant women prescreened to be seronegative for rubella and scheduled to have a legal abortion a week or two later. The plan was to isolate rubella (vaccine) virus from the products of conception [the baby] and, in fact, we succeeded in doing that.

Vaccine research continues. According to a table that is available here, twenty-one vaccines indicate a line of fetal cells in their preparation. The terms that identify a line of fetal cells, from individual fetuses are: WI-38, MRC-5, HEK-293, PER C6, Procell92, RA273. I believe that it takes experiments from many abortions to achieve one line of live cells.

I am not against scientific research that provides medical treatment, but we need to have boundaries on what is ethical. We shouldn’t be killing children of the next generation to provide vaccines that may or may not prevent an infectious disease.

I hope you will join with me in praying for our members of congress. We must demand that they look at research practices, defund planned parenthood and review the manner in which vaccines are produced along with the risks and benefits. Pray for the women that have been traumatized by abortion. Pray for the children.

For more about the MMR vaccine (which contains rubella derived from fetal cells), click here.

UPDATE: A new line of fetal cells for the purpose of making vaccines, has been developed from more abortions.  Click here.

*Vesikari, Timo, M.D., PhD., “From Rubella to Rotavirus and Beyond”, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapies, vol. 11, issue 6, 2015 pp. 1302-1305.



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Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

3 Comments on “The Uncomfortable Truth About Vaccine Research

  1. My goodness, I had no idea! Thank you for a well written and easy to understand—as well as very enlightening article. It makes me angry that researchers are so careful with what they need from the fetus for their research, and so careless with human life.

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