Today the 50th March for Life is taking place in Washington D.C. In 1973 the Supreme Court (nine men) made the decision that abortion is a human right based on right to privacy. Although the decision has been questioned over the years, there was doubt that it could be overturned.
Last year the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade.
In 1973 I was in my first year as a R.N., working for a teaching hospital. I hadn’t heard or paid attention to the Roe v. Wade decision and was shocked when a young woman who was seven months pregnant was admitted to the labor/delivery unit for a saline induction. The saline would kill the baby, and then delivery would ensue. I could not participate.
Roe v. Wade legitimized abortion but my thoughts went to the experience of young women going through abortion. Was abortion a “simple solution”? Do young people today understand the trauma of abortion?
Janet Morana has written a book for teens, Everything You Need to Know About Abortion.

I was saddened when my daughter told me about a friend who was pregnant, wanted to have the baby, but her parents told her that unless she had an abortion they would not pay for college. Later my daughter referred her to a weekend retreat to heal from her experience.
In our culture abortion has been offered as a “simple solution” for a woman in difficult circumstances. And yet, there are not simple solutions for the human condition. As families and communities, we need to wrestle with this issue longer. How do we provide support for young women and make available accurate information? How do we protect the young women that are being trafficked? Do we value each human life?
Addendum: I watched the March for Life speakers in Washington D.C.on TV. Tony Dungy, NFL coach and his wife, Lauren, spoke about the effects of prayer, adoption and foster care. Trenee McGee, state representative in Connecticut, spoke on behalf of black women and minorities. Jonathan Roumie, the lead actor on The Chosen spoke also, addressing the young people in the huge crowd of attendees.
Sharing this post with the Five Minute Friday writing community. Kate’s prompt today is : DOUBT
Hi Carol. I’ve missed you all
I’m glad to see your note. Blessings!
Somewhere in the by-and-by,
on a gold-paved street,
our startled eyes will there espy
those that we had no chance to meet,
who had no earthly story,
for we did not let them live,
but in Heaven they are Glory
and their hearts define ‘forgive’.
Yes, when at last we get there,
the salty tears will come
and sparkle in the crystal air
on olden cheeks that once were young,
with the largest on God’s holy face
when parents and lost child embrace.
Yes, many tears.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Just stopped by from FMF #17