Every summer I visit Calumet, Michigan. At one time it was the center of the copper boom with a growing immigrant population. Both of my grandfathers emigrated from Finland and worked in the copper mines. I know that Calumet had many bars to serve the immigrant workers. So it is…
Covenant in the Bible and Perspectives on the Family
This month our women’s Bible study is beginning a study of the covenants recorded in the Bible. Chapter 17 of Genesis records the covenant God made with Abram and Sarai. With the establishment of the covenant God changed their names to Abraham and Sarah. Having recently been in the New…
It’s March and Spring is Coming!
It is March 1st and spring is coming. The temperatures are still up and down, but I am beginning to have garden thoughts. I am looking forward to seeing the blooms from the bulbs I planted last fall. The delight offered by gardens has been expressed over hundreds…
Give Me a Steadfast Heart
Give us, O Lord, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection may drag downwards. Give us an unconquered heart, which no tribulation can wear out. Give us an upright heart, which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside. Bestow upon us also, O Lord our God, understanding to know you, diligence to…
Hope of the Gospel Overcomes Shipwreck
As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will…
Is Medical Research Supporting Planned Parenthood?
For the past five months I have been studying the book of Acts. The book provides a picture of the early church, the work of the Holy Spirit and the challenges that believers faced. Times and circumstances are different now, but the challenges are similar. When we pursue truth…
Responding to Confusion with the Bible
Through the women’s ministry at our church I have been able to watch some of the G3 conference, streaming live from Georgia. The topic of the conference is the Trinity, and I was pleased to listen to the preachers. All around us there is confusion about who God is, and…
Spiritual Mothering: Book Review
Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt was published in 1992. I have had it on my shelf for a while, but the time was right for me to read it now. I have enjoyed the examples of relationships provided in the book. The purpose of the book is to shine a…
Why I Participate in the March for Life
Sunday is the March for Life in Chicago. For the past three years I have participated in the march that takes place in my community. This year our community is joining the Chicago March for Life. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to ride the bus into Chicago, and so…
One Word for the New Year
The practice of choosing one word for the New Year has been an inspiration for me. Last year my word was gracious, and having this word in mind I was more conscious of my conversation and actions. I paused a little more, seeking kind words. I have been thinking…