• Faith - Family - Gardening

    Hope in Chicago and at Home

    For Chicago baseball fans, the Cubs are symbolic of hope. The excitement over the National league playoffs was vibrant this fall. Then four straight losses to the Mets.  Once again the refrain is wait till next year. In my garden I have many opportunities for hope. I have been  …

  • Childbirth - Family


    Autumn is a season of birthdays. My granddaughters, plus one       daughter and one daughter-in-love all have a birthday in September, October or November. I was blessed in being able to attend the birth of each granddaughter—one at home and the rest in the hospital. To watch each…

  • Breastfeeding - Family - Health - Parenting

    Successful Breastfeeding

    As a mom I breastfed my babies–learning more with each child. As nurse and grandma I have had experience in helping new moms to establish breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has many health benefits, but sometimes there are hurdles to get over. I have collected some articles that address problems and best practices.…

  • Family - Health

    Herbal Home Health Care

    This summer my husband and I were in a bulk food store. He wandered around while I chose whole grain flour, spices and coconut oil. He brought a book to me and said, “I think you would like this.” The title of the book is Be Your Own “Doctor” An…

  • Family

    Pilgrim’s Inn: Book Review

    When I picked up the book, Pilgrim’s Inn: The Herb of Grace, at a resale shop I didn’t realize that it is the second book in a series about the Eliot family. Elizabeth Goudge wrote a trilogy; the first book is The Bird in the Tree and the third book…

  • Family - Flowers - Gardening

    Star Flowers

    When the grandchildren come to my home they like to pick berries and flowers. I name the various berries and tell them a little about them. We talk about which berries are safe to eat. The flowers have names too. The granddaughters have enjoyed picking stalks of flowers— tiny white…

  • Faith - Family - Michigan

    Rocks and Waves

    Recently I saw a tee shirt online with this message: Just a Michigan girl in an Illinois world. I feel that way. Michigan is home to me even though I have lived in Illinois for many years. We were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan a week ago. We had…

  • Family - Health

    Beginning Again

    From time to time a fresh start is good. After six years of blogging I am beginning again on a new website. I will continue to focus on family, home and health. In addition to my nursing experience, I have spent innumerable hours researching health issues. My family has experienced…