• Gardening - Herbs - Recipes

    Apple-Sage-Cheddar Muffins

    The sage in my garden is thriving. This summer it flowered. The beautiful weather this fall has extended our growing season. I have plenty of sage. The texture of the leaves has an artistic appearance, lovely to the touch. I am going to use it in some in apple-sage-cheddar muffins.…

  • Faith - Gardening

    Gardens of Hope

    During the past week I returned to Detroit. (The first 12 years of my life I lived in Detroit.) I was shocked to drive though a community with abandoned and burned out houses. And yet there is hope and a passion for life here. I visited Brightmoor and I was treated to…

  • Flowers - Gardening - Health - Herbs

    Calendula: A Healing Flower

    In recent years I have been charmed by the benefits of a flower that has a long history. According to the Complete Herbal Book: This sunny little flower—the “merrybuds” of Shakespeare—was first used in Indian and Arabic cultures, before being “discovered” by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks.* The medicinal qualities…

  • Family - Flowers - Gardening

    Star Flowers

    When the grandchildren come to my home they like to pick berries and flowers. I name the various berries and tell them a little about them. We talk about which berries are safe to eat. The flowers have names too. The granddaughters have enjoyed picking stalks of flowers— tiny white…

  • Berries - Gardening - Health

    Elderberries in the Garden

    I look upon the pleasure which we take in a garden, as one of the most innocent delights in human life. Joseph Addison (1672-1719) This year the branches on my elderberry bushes are laden with abundant berries. The dainty flowers came first, adding a lovely lace among the green.  …