• Family - Flowers - Herbs - Nature

    Family Friendly Garden

    The Wichita Botanical Garden is family oriented. The great variety of flowers, herbs and trees delight the eyes. And at intervals there is a surprise for children (and adults). Huge lego animals appear throughout the gardens.  The dog pictured above had a sign that explained dogs are dichromatic (two kinds…

  • Gardening - Herbs - Nature

    Garlic and Rosemary

    April showers and sunshine turn my thoughts to the garden. I have started some tomato plants from seed, and next I will start some basil.  It is a pleasure to walk outside and see the trees and bushes bud, and then flower. The perennial plants are beginning to sprout. The…

  • Flowers - Gardening - Herbs - Midwifery - Women

    Herbs in a Nosegay

    This summer I have had more time in the garden. The flowers and herbs are flourishing. I picked a nosegay including these herbs with their flowers: calendula, echinacea, feverfew, lavender, mint, lemon balm and marjoram. Some years ago, when I was working as maternity nurse and Lamaze instructor, I came…

  • Health - Herbs - Recipes

    Herbs in My Bay Window

    During the summer I have a bounty of fresh herbs. Sage, chives, oregano, mint, lavender and lemon balm are perennials in my yard. Sometimes thyme survives the winter and it comes back for a second or third season. Each summer I plant dill and basil. I am fortunate to have…

  • Faith - Family - Herbs

    Giving Thanks in 2020

    Thanksgiving was different this year. We exchanged dishes with my daughter’s family but enjoyed the meal in our separate homes. My granddaughter made a delicious bundt cake and dinner rolls. Another granddaughter made the cranberry sauce. I made my traditional cornbread stuffing. We all had a wonderful meal. In the…

  • Faith - Flowers - Gardening - Herbs

    Saving Seeds with Hope

    The leaves are falling. Red gold and bronze. I have been raking the leaves, thankful for the outdoor activity. My miniature rose bush has surprised me, continuing to bloom even though we have had some nights of frost. The bright red blooms bring joy. The garden has been put to…