The leaves are changing color, flames of red and gold. The fall roses are still blooming in northern Michigan. God has inscribed color and beauty on earth. The design of the earth and its seasons, the design of all creatures, the design of the human body comes from God, our…
The Pandemic and A Story in Genesis
During the current pandemic the existence of level 4 biosafety labs has come to light. It is in the news that the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease invested money in the Wuhan Lab. We wonder what happened at the lab in Wuhan. And we learn that level…
Medical Freedom for Families
Over the past couple of years I have tracked legislation occurring across our country with regard to childhood vaccinations. Because one of my children developed fibromyalgia after a vaccine I am sensitive to this issue. In 1986 the federal government passed a bill, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, that…
The Cost of Steadfast Convictions
When I read the prompt for Five Minute Friday today, I immediately thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who wrote the book, The Cost of Discipleship. His life portrayed the cost of his convictions. I have read Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas and more recently My Dearest Dietrich by…
At the Mall: The VIE Event
What happened in Washington D.C. last week? The constant drumbeat for impeachment continues and headlines the news. There are many topics, news relevant to parents and families to report. Congress has many issues that should be addressed for the people. On November 14th an event took place on the Washington…
Is There Something We Can Learn from Nazi Germany?
At the back of the book there are 57 pages of notes. Erik Larson has written a meticulous history based on government documents, letters and diaries. The book, In the Garden of the Beasts, provides a view of Nazi Germany through the eyes of the American ambassador. William Dodd was…
What Can We Learn from the Tragic Story of Dr. Semmelweis?
Numerous parents have reported that a child of theirs experienced digestive disturbance and a regression in behavior following the MMR vaccine. This observation made by parents has been discarded because “correlation is not causation”. Yet consistent observations of loving parents should give the medical field pause and a reason to…
Is a Clinical Trial of 42 Days Enough to Establish Vaccine Safety?
In the 1960s and early 1970s many babies were sacrificed to produce the rubella vaccine. Hysterotomy was performed on women who chose to have an elective abortion in order to provide fetal tissue. The research took place over a period of years. This rubella vaccine (included in the MMR) was…
Parenting with Courage
As I looked through a local newspaper I saw an editorial cartoon that seemed to equate the measles with polio and Nazis. Something to fear. There is a hysteria about the measles that doesn’t jive with history. We cannot let fear control us. On this same day I received the…
Making Sense of the Vaccine Debate
The number of vaccines on the CDC list is continually growing. When I was a child I had just a few vaccines—polio and DTP. I had the measles, and so did my siblings. We now have lifetime immunity to the measles. When I breast fed my babies, they received protection…