Children - Health - Nutrition - Parenting - Vaccines

What We Didn’t Know

Mothers want to do what is right for their children. Sometimes the right thing is not clear. Sometimes important information is not available. 

As a mom and a nurse with a B.S.N., I did not question the childhood vaccine schedule until I worked with a group of doctors who raised questions about vaccines. I began to look at the health history of my children and wondered. After my twins received the MMR vaccine their health declined. At the time I was puzzled and tried to understand why. I wrote about it here.

Jennifer Margulis, a medical journalist, wrote an article explaining concerns about the childhood vaccine schedule, concerns raised by pediatricians. You can read the article here.

While a college student, my daughter received the hepatitis B vaccine. We had discussed reasons to hold off, but the student health clinic persuaded her to take it. Within a couple weeks she had such severe joint pain that she withdrew from college for a semester. Eventually she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. After her experience no one in our family has received the hepatis B vaccine.

In a recent presentation on The High Wire, Dr. Meehan talked about the use of fetal tissue in vaccines. He went on to explain the difficulty there is connecting a vaccine with every side effect. During the process of FDA approval, vaccines go through trials. But the trials do not include safety testing with a saline placebo for comparison.

During the trial, a vaccine is tested against another vaccine. The trial doesn’t test for safety. It tests for efficacy. Here is an article that explains the trial for the MMR vaccine. The data was gathered from a FOIA request.

In order to recognize a side effect as being caused by the vaccine, a test against a saline placebo is necessary. Without the safety study, side effects can only be considered correlation. Parents are frustrated when they try to understand the decline in health of their child. They are often told, when it occurs after a vaccine, that it is a coincidence. For the sake of children’s health we need vaccine safety studies!

Mothers and Fathers

Sharing this post with Sweet Tea and Friends and with Senior Salon Pit Stop .

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

5 Comments on “What We Didn’t Know

  1. Carol, this is much needed information. My girls are adults, but in hindsight, I probably would have spaced out the “required” vaccines. Fetal tissue in vaccines? Wow! I have fibromyalgia so I can relate with your daughter. It’s so heartbreaking that she developed it after that vaccine. I’m retired, but I was a Social Worker, and every 10 years I’d get the TDaP, I still do. Why? I can’t really say, habit maybe, or just still ingrained in my head.
    I appreciate you sharing this much needed information with Sweet Tea & Friends this month sweet friend.

    1. Unfortunately we did not have a true informed consent for vaccines. Also no check on the pharmaceuticals because they have immunity from lawsuit. My hope is that young parents will have access to more information than we did.

  2. Hi Carol. Thank you for discussing this issue and bringing it to the attention of all your readers.
    Thank you for sharing your various links with us at #275 SSPS Linky. Hope to see you again next week.

  3. So few people know about this issue, Carol, thanks for being a voice for parents to research and inform themselves before making this important decision regarding the health of their children
    Visiting from Sweet Tea and Friends #123

    1. Gradually this issue is getting more attention. My prayer is that parents will become aware. Thanks for visiting, Lisa!

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