The Choice
Abortion - Health - Women

The Choice

Years ago, a young woman, a friend of my daughter, became pregnant out of wedlock. It was a tumultuous time in her life. With the support of friends she chose life, and we had a shower for her at our home. This woman’s daughter is now a teenager.

Another unmarried young woman became pregnant. She wanted to continue the pregnancy but her parents told her she had to have an abortion. They would not pay for college if she continued the pregnancy. Later she was referred to a weekend retreat for post abortion healing.

It is a tragedy that our culture has removed all the guardrails for women with regard to sexual intimacy. Pregnancy is a consequence of sexual intimacy. It is the woman alone that bears the responsibility of pregnancy and the life of the baby. The birth control pill was supposed to be the answer—until abortion became the answer. First surgical abortion and then the abortion pills. Are the abortion pills a safe treatment? How frequently does a woman who took the abortion pills require emergency care?

In the past week I read about a woman who used the abortion pills. She became infected because she did not pass all of tissue of pregnancy. She was given intravenous antibiotics and the possibility of surgery was discussed but her internal organs were failing. Before the surgery took place she died. (She is not the first to die after taking the abortion pills. A character in my book, Aliisa’s letter, was based on the true story of a young woman who died shortly after the taking the abortion pills.)

The abortion pills were first approved in 2000 with restrictions about their use. In 2023 the FDA lifted restrictions allowing the pills to be prescribed without follow-up care. Why is there such a lack of concern for women’s health?

What can the church do? The church can teach about the blessing of following God’s design for sexuality and marriage. It is good to engage in sexual intimacy within the bond of marriage. But when a young woman is single and pregnant, she needs support.

I just finished reading The Underground Library by Jennifer Ryan. It is another WWII story. One of the characters has an unplanned pregnancy. The community of friends in the underground library rally support for her–even when her family abandons her. It is a heartwarming story.

I am glad that Roe v. Wade was reversed. The constitution does not give the right to terminate the life of a baby in the womb. An unplanned pregnancy can be treated in a way that honors the health of the mother and the baby. Now the states will determine the abortion issue.

This year 10 states have abortion measures on the ballot. These states are: Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, New York, Nevada, Florida, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska and South Dakota. If you live in one of these states, you can read about the ballot measures here. Please vote!

While Planned Parenthood receives tax dollars, Pregnancy Care Centers do not. Informed Choices is a center in my area. I received e-mails with prayer requests regarding the legislation opposing Pregnancy Care Centers in Illinois, an effort to penalize the support services if they did not refer women for abortion. God answered the prayers. A federal judge ruled that the state could not enforce the law. You read about Informed Choices on their website—click here. 

We are all broken in some way. I am reminded of my need to be attentive to others, to listen, to have compassion and to act in love.. 

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She recently retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

2 Comments on “The Choice

  1. This post is one of my features for this week’s SSPS, thanks so much for sharing with us, we sure appreciate it! Melynda @scratchmadefood!

    PS, such a difficult/brave/heartfelt post.

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