• Faith

    Inner Peace in a Chaotic World

    Eberhard Arnold (1883 – 1935) wrote Innerland: A Guide into the Heart of the Gospel.   In the following quote he was commenting on life  in   Germany in the years leading up to WWII. It speaks to the current time also. The great agitation in the world of today…

  • Faith - Family

    Lily of the Valley and a Song on My Heart

    Lily of the valley is blooming in my backyard. I saw the delicate bell shaped flowers when I returned from a visit with my mother. She was placed in a nursing home last week. The transition to the nursing home is a huge change. New environment. New people. Changing shifts…

  • Faith - Recipes


      For more than 20 years I have participated in Precept Bible studies.    I started with the women of Faith Community Church, and have continued for many years  with women at      Village Church of Barrington. We meet every Tuesday morning, September through May. We have become friends…

  • Faith - Family

    The Forsythia & God’s Faithfulness

    Today is the 27th anniversary of my son’s passing away and entering eternity. Last year I wrote the illness and faith of our little boy. You can read about Steven here. God has healed the wound in my heart, but it took time. Only when I was far enough from…

  • Faith

    Review: God’s Not Dead 2

    After a week of traveling to attend to extended family needs, it is good to be back home.   This morning I participated in Bible study with dear friends at my church.   In the afternoon my husband and I went to see  God’s Not Dead 2. Can a teacher…

  • Faith

    Morning Prayers

    The lives of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Lilias Trotter are a great               inspiration for me. Both spent much time in prayer.  Here are quotes from each. The morning prayer determines the day. Squandered time of which we are ashamed, temptations to which we succumb,…

  • Faith

    A Primitive Path at Tent Rock National Park

    We visited Tent Rock National Park in New Mexico. I was easy to see how the park had gotten its name.   A rocky trail weaves through   narrow canyons and continues upward to the peak of the rock formations. A sign at the beginning of the trail was accurate—as…

  • Faith

    Easter: A New Covenant

      Memories of the week leading up to Easter stretch back into my childhood. I was blessed to grow up in a home where we read the Bible and attended church regularly. Like any family we had problems, but the foundation for my faith developed from hearing the Word of…

  • Abortion - Faith

    It’s About Religious Freedom

    On Monday night our PBS station aired a documentary about Pope John Paul II. As I watched I was remembering the discussions that I had with my daughter about the Theology of the Body (writings by Pope John Paul II). Julia was attending Marquette University and was introduced to the Theology…