Who is your favorite character in Star Wars? When Han Solo and then R2– D2 made their appearance in the new movie the audience gave them a round of applause. The first Star Wars movie came out during the first year of my marriage. I saw it with my husband. The…
A Rose, Love and the Savior are in this Old Carol
The violins, piano and voices of the choir gave a beautiful rendition of an old German carol. I was swept away from the news reports and troubles in our community. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Here are the lyrics to this carol, Lo How A Rose:…
Christmas Cards for the Persecuted Church
Do the images of refugees fleeing Syria tug at your heart? Have you seen news reports of churches destroyed in Nigeria, Syria, Iraq and other countries? We are blessed in the United States although the tragedies taking place around the world touch us too. The shootings at the Planned…
Did Mary Have a Midwife?
As I sat down to write our annual Christmas letter I was reflecting on gospel accounts by Matthew and Luke. It is apparent that the people of Judea lived in fearful times under Roman rule. Injustice, corruption and violence were common. A young woman lived in Nazareth, north of Judea,…
Thanksgiving and Ancient Questions
As Thanksgiving approaches, I am aware of so many things to be thankful for—family, church, blogging community and home. On Thanksgiving my husband and I will have one of our daughters and her family, our son and his wife, at our home. I have ideas for activities for…
Promise of Spring as Winter Approaches
The mild fall that we have had has allowed me to spend more time in the yard. I have been planting and transplanting and raking leaves. My husband was working also, creating piles of branches. He has a chain saw and after he took down one tree he found lots…
Country Road with Unknown Destination
When I visit my sister in Michigan, we frequently have an adventure. Last weekend we had both driven to a community college event. When we left the event her car wouldn’t start. So we hooked up jumper cables from my car to her car, and after a half hour her car…
Hope in Chicago and at Home
For Chicago baseball fans, the Cubs are symbolic of hope. The excitement over the National league playoffs was vibrant this fall. Then four straight losses to the Mets. Once again the refrain is wait till next year. In my garden I have many opportunities for hope. I have been …
Lovely Aroma in a World of Conflict
Are you discouraged by the conflicts and moray decay all around us? I am. The study of the book of Acts is giving me hope. I am glad that this book was chosen for the fall Precept Bible study. Sometimes political issues stir my emotions. Can political action groups solve…
Autumn Praise
My husband and I spent a few days in Upper Michigan. We were working on projects at an old farmhouse—a place I have visited almost every year, as far back as I can remember. We also enjoyed the peak fall color while driving and hiking. The trees in Upper Michigan…