The letter R in MMR stands for rubella. When I was a kid we called it the German measles. (Not to be confused with regular measles–or rubeola–which was in the news this year.) My siblings and I all had rubella when we were growing up; we got a fever and…
The Uncomfortable Truth About Vaccine Research
Gut wrenching videos. Do you wonder what kind of research requires live baby parts? The barbaric procedures we have seen in undercover videos did not happen overnight. Biological research has been taking place for years with ever increasing boldness. I was shocked when I came across a link to a…
Another MMR Vaccine?
A couple weeks ago I received an e-mail from the University of Illinois about the MMR vaccine. Here is an excerpt from that message: The Illinois Department of Public Health and Champaign-Urbana Public Health District have recommended that students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign receive a booster shot…