Marriage is a refining relationship, My husband and I are in our 44th year of marriage. We have had low points and high points. A number of years ago we read the book, Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs, with our small group. The book gave me pause. I understood…
Nine Tips for a Young Woman
As a mom, grandmother and nurse What advice would I give to a young woman? Learn about life practices that support your health: nutrition, exercise, rest. Pay attention to the rhythm of your body, because your cycles give insight into your health. Don’t share your body intimately with a young…
When and How to Compromise
What comes to mind when you hear the word compromise? With the division that we see in politics, compromise doesn’t seem possible. In fact the divisiveness is so bitter that I have to limit my intake of news. I have been musing on this today. Certainly in marriage my husband…
A Storm on the Sea of Galilee and Fleas in the Concentration Camp
We lived in troubled times and sometimes it is difficult to discern truth. It is hard to know how we should respond to things happening around us. Looking back over the centuries, this has always been the case in human history. It is thought that the writer of the book…
Two Are Better Than One
Today is my wedding anniversary. As I reflect back on 42 years of marriage I am thankful for my husband and the way our relationship has refined us. There have been seasons in our marriage. At first we had to learn to live with each other. Children came early in…
Book Review: Updated and Expanded LIES WOMEN BELIEVE
Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free stimulated discussion among Christian women when it came out in 2001. I read the first edition many years ago. I looked through it again as I read the new and revised edition. I am so pleased with the new and…
A New and Revised Edition
It is Five Minute Friday—the day that we take five minutes to write on the prompt that Kate Motaung gives us. If you would like to join this group of writers click here for Kate’s information. Today’s prompt is: WHY When the first edition of Lies Women Believe and the…
Live in Harmony
It’s Friday and the prompt for Five Minute Friday is: AGREE. We write for five minutes on the prompt that Kate Motaung gives. Sometimes I go over the time limit but I try to stay within five minutes. Marriage provides the opportunity for personal growth, for learning how to work…
Talking About Sex
On Thursday evenings I look forward to seeing the prompt that Kate Motaung has chosen for Five Minute Friday. I enjoy linking up with this community of writers and seeing where the word takes us. Today’s prompt is: INTENTIONAL I was born in the 1950s, before the b.c. pill became…
No Thanks Birth Control
On Wednesday, November 15th, a social media campaign called #ThanksBirthControl went live on twitter. It is interesting that this was taking place while so many stories of sexual harassment were coming to light. What has happened to the way men treat women? All through history there have been problems in…