• Book Reviews - Health - Parenting

    The Hidden Child: Book Review

    Whenever I visit the library, I check the display of new books. Recently The Hidden Child by Louise Fein caught my eye. This historical novel, set in the 1920s, tells a story that connects the eugenics movement and the plight of a child with epilepsy. (Eugenics is a theory that…

  • Family - Health - Parenting

    The Art of Disagreeing

    When my daughter was in grade school, she had a class that involved critical thinking. She was encouraged to think through problems. When controversies occur, we need this kind of skill. As a parent I have tried set an example of working through the issues our family has faced. It…

  • Children - Health - Parenting

    A Little Return to Normalcy

    My husband and I will attend a football game at the high school tonight. Each marching band member is permitted two guests at the game. Our grandson and granddaughter will be playing trumpet and flute. It is a bit of a return to normal. The past year has been hard…

  • Childbirth - Parenting

    Beginning in Detroit

    There is benefit in having fresh perspectives. I want to be a life-long learner, seeking truth. Many years ago, I started my nursing career at a Detroit hospital. I worked in the labor/delivery unit, learning the medical aspects of childbearing. When I was expecting my first baby, I was introduced…

  • Health - Marriage - Parenting

    Nine Tips for a Young Woman

    As a mom, grandmother and nurse What advice would I give to a young woman? Learn about life practices that support your health: nutrition, exercise, rest. Pay attention to the rhythm of your body, because your cycles give insight into your health. Don’t share your body intimately with a young…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Medical Freedom for Families

    Over the past couple of years I have tracked legislation occurring across our country with regard to childhood vaccinations. Because one of my children developed fibromyalgia after a vaccine I am sensitive to this issue. In 1986 the federal government passed a bill, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, that…

  • Children - Faith - Parenting

    What Do We Tell the Children?

    Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my grandchildren. I was happy to join the family for dinner. As we were eating dinner the second grader said, “We might be having world war three.” “Why do you say that?” I asked. “A boy in my class said that.” The granddaughter who…