• Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Moms for Vaccine Safety

    At the beginning of the 19th century, in the city of Chicago, the health of young children  was in  perilous condition. The health of both women and children needed focused attention. In 1916, for example, Chicago’s death rate for children under 2 years of age was 141.4 per 1,000 live…

  • Family - Marriage - Parenting

    Refined and Blessed by Marriage

    Someone was ringing the doorbell persistently. My husband went to the door and I looked on, curious. A deliveryman handed a wrapped florist parcel to him. Who is sending flowers? I wondered. The enclosed card was inscribed, Happy Anniversary.   It was from our   sister-in-law. And then I remembered.…

  • Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Speaking Up About Vaccine Safety

    The CDC is asking for comments on Vaccine Information for the MMR and MMRV. I responded with my observations.  This vaccine impacted the health of my twins when they were toddlers. It is my hope that our health system will listen to the concerns that parents and teachers have raised…

  • Family - Parenting

    The Family is Under Attack

    The school board in my town met, and the community was invited. The federal government—specifically the Office of Civil Rights— has demanded that a transgender student be given full access to female locker rooms and restrooms. The meeting place, a high school cafeteria,  was packed.  Seats      extended to…

  • Breastfeeding - Family - Health - Parenting

    Successful Breastfeeding

    As a mom I breastfed my babies–learning more with each child. As nurse and grandma I have had experience in helping new moms to establish breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has many health benefits, but sometimes there are hurdles to get over. I have collected some articles that address problems and best practices.…

  • Faith - Health - Parenting

    Honor or Riches

    Last week I quoted half of this verse in Proverbs because I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the second line. I was glad to have the opportunity to attend a class on Hebrew poetry. The class gave me new insight. Our teacher, Tim Sigler, gave an overview of…