• Faith - Family - Parenting

    An Ancient Call to Holy Living

    In this new year our women’s precept group has begun to study the book of Deuteronomy. As the book begins Moses is reviewing the history of Israel’s release from slavery in Egypt and their years in the wilderness. Then he goes on to give them specific instructions. In chapter six…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Should We Fear the Measles?

    News reports about the measles are appearing in several states including Michigan and New York. The tone of the reports is fearful. It urges everyone to be sure they have been vaccinated . . . unless they were born before 1957. Everyone born before 1957 is assumed to have natural…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Always More to Learn

    On Fridays I respond to a writing prompt that Kate Motaung gives. Over the past 24 hours I have mulled over the word given and am finally tapping the keys of my computer. The prompt is: COMPLETE We spent a week at my daughter’s home—taking care of the grandkids, the…

  • Family - Parenting

    Crowds and the Confirmation Hearing

    Senate confirmation hearings can be boring. Not the hearing for Judge Kavanaugh. While protests where taking place at the Capitol, groups of Students for Life were holding rallies across the country. I watched the confirmation hearing for an hour last week and witnessed the loud protests and interruptions that were…

  • Faith - Family - Parenting

    Thoughts on Motherhood

    Motherhood is hard and self-sacrificing. As I look back I remember the fatigue, the laughter and tears, the hard questions and my shortcomings. The years have passed by quickly. Now I am a grandmother and I realize that God was refining me. I was blessed by the Lord’s guidance, the…

  • Parenting

    High School Homecoming: Guidance for Our Daughters

    This coming weekend is homecoming for a couple of local high schools. My grandson will be in the marching band for the homecoming parade and football game. It’s an exciting weekend for him. I am remembering the years that my daughters participated in homecoming at their high school:  decorations for…

  • Health - Parenting

    Healthy Thoughts About Parenting

    Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes the first five minutes of writing stimulates more thought, and I continue on . . . Today’s prompt is: FUTURE When I look back over my years of parenting, I realize that I…

  • Family - Parenting

    Listening to the Children

    It’s Five Minute Friday! I am joining Kate Motaung’s community where we gather to write like crazy for five minutes on the one word prompt. Today’s word is: sing Our granddaughter’s school held a Spring Sing in their new gymnasium. People filled the seats, the bleachers and the space along the…

  • Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    5 Questions About Vaccines

    Over the past week I have been watching a documentary series, The Truth About Vaccines. Because one of my children had varying vaccine reactions—first to the MMR and then to the hep B—I continue to follow this issue. I am concerned about the health of the next generation. One of…