• Faith - Family

    An Old Irish Hymn

    The garden is a place where my mind is at rest. Sometimes when I am troubled the words of a hymn come to mind. A hymn that I sang as a child–the words imprinted in my memory. It is good for the church to sing hymns. It is good for…

  • Faith

    How to Have Hope

    The Bible does not shrink from telling us the ugly side of human history. God’s word tells us the truth, and clearly states that God’s desire for us is good. We need to seek God and His ways in every aspect of our lives.  “How you have helped him who has no…

  • Faith - Family - Grandparents

    Remembering with Hope

    Today we went to the cemetery and tended the family graves. We planted flowers and walked among the stones marking family members. As I read the names I was recalling family history. My husband’s grandparents immigrated from Holland in 1911. In 1918 they lost three of their children when scarlet…

  • Faith - Women

    Sunrise of Hope

    Many years ago I worked the night shift in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Michigan. We had 12 hour shifts, and I worked from 7 pm to 7 am. Around 5:00 am as daylight crept across the sky, we were weary and needed to get our…

  • Faith - Health

    Illness, Resilience and Spirituality

    Two years ago I began corresponding with Marguerite Bouvard. She was looking for contributors for an anthology on illness and faith. I offered to write a chapter about my family’s experience caring for our son during his treatment for leukemia. We continued to e-mail back and forth. I wrote my…

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Book Review: Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia

    The progressive loss of brain  function  in  Alzhiemer’s  disease  and     dementia is difficult to observe in a loved one.    My  mother’s  loss  of memory and physical skills has been gradually progressing. It would be wonderful to have a knowledgeable and experienced Christian doctor give guidance for both…

  • Faith

    Our Common Condition & Hope

    Today I am joining Five Minute Friday (#FMF) where bloggers write for five minutes about one word. The prompt for today is common. So here we go. After a tumultuous and divisive election what do we as people have in common? The Bible shows us these truths. God loves us.…

  • Faith - Family

    Lily of the Valley and a Song on My Heart

    Lily of the valley is blooming in my backyard. I saw the delicate bell shaped flowers when I returned from a visit with my mother. She was placed in a nursing home last week. The transition to the nursing home is a huge change. New environment. New people. Changing shifts…